May 9 2023

209 3 2

Hiiiiii, so it has been a minute!

I am working on a new chapter as we speak!

I had refigured everything when I started writing this more fleshed out version two years ago and got a flow going. Needless to say that computer I started this all on is gone, it broke and I had to save for another which I finally got around 2022 and had to hunt to find all my drafts and going back and seeing my writing two years ago is bleh as I am sure it is for all writers lol. I found them and am editing another chapter as we speak for hopeful release sometime this week so keep an eye out! 

I promise I did not mean to abandon this one again it's just that life has a weird way of getting in the way of things at the best moments and I don't plan to abandon this one again until it is finished :). Pinky swear. 

Thank you for all the support, comments and votes even though I have been gone and I plan to finish this story and give y'all the ending or endings you all deserve :)


Jada :)

A Tainted Love (Sebastian X reader X Claude)Where stories live. Discover now