Chapter 6

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"We can-" Annabeth was cut off when a scream was heard.

All the demigods were on alert. They stood straighter and reached for their weapons.

"What was that?" Percy asked.

"Don't know.... We should go check it out,"

"I'll go," Harry stood proudly and went out.

"Vlakas," Annabeth mumbled.

The demigods who heard her smirked.

"We should go check too," Percy poked his head out.

"Woah, it's chaos outside," he said.

"What's going on outside?" Annabeth asked.

"Some girls who are really pale going crazy and wanting to kill 'Half-bloods' or whatever that means," he sent a knowing look at Annabeth. (Wow, Percy. Smart)

"We should go stop her then," Annabeth didn't wait for a respond before going out.

"Now this is crazy," Percy pointed at the group of witches and wizards who were pale and cowering inside of their compartment.

The Empousa was snarling and scaring them.

"Hey you!" Harry shouted.

"What do you want, young boy?" one of them snarled.

"Get off the train before I make you!" he shouted, holding his wand out.

"Ha, pathetic wizard. I'm not here for you," the empousa laughed.

"And I'm here to kill you. Do you know who I am?" he asked.

"Ah yes, the proud little wizard. Oh yes, the weak little wizard,"

"I'm not weak! I'm the strongest wizard here!"

"Yes, yes. Strongest wizard. " the empousa looked towards Percy "The strongest one here is you! But I'm gonna make you hurt badly today, young hero," 

"Oh hey, how you doing?" Percy asked.

"Not good, thanks to you!" she screamed and lunged forward.

Percy dodged. The Empousa attacked again. He ducked and took Riptide out.

"Hazel? A little help?" he asked and uncapped Riptide. Luckily, Hazel had already manipulated the mist to make it as if he was using his wand.

A red beam was shot at the Empousa. The Empousa growled and looked at the person who fired the spell, Harry.

"How was that?" Harry said.

"It's a pain to be hit in the middle of battling someone else!" she turned back towards Percy.

The two other Empousa had started to attack Annabeth and Leo and Hazel who had come to help them. The Empousa who was attacking Percy jumped forward ready to kill. As she jumped, Percy plunged the sword in her stomach which was unprotected. It disappeared in a glitter of gold.

The others had finished of the two Empousa and went back, pulling Percy with them.

Harry came back to the apartment with a scowl on  his face.

"I could have killed it," he said to Percy.

"Yeah, and you saw the way your spell didn't affect it. And you thought it was just a crazy girl that could be brought down with words," Percy said back.

Harry's scowl deepen and turned away.

After a long two hours on the train, the ADHD demigods finally got off the train, still complaining about how boring the ride was. Annabeth was the only one rambling about the architecture and how beautiful it was.

Eight Demigods Go To Hogwarts To Save The Dam World(again)Where stories live. Discover now