Class meanie (updated)

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*next morning*
I'm in the middle of a dream about horses when I feel something moving me? I wake up quickly and start panicking but then I realize daddy is carrying me to the bathroom.

"Nu uh!! I don't want baff! I tired"

Daddy kisses my forehead and pats my bottom.

"No baby, you have school again today and you had an accident"

Daddy nods as he gestures towards my saggy diaper as he sets me down. I start pouting as he lays me on the ground. I back away from him but then he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him, making me lay down.

"Do you really want to start this day in trouble?"

Daddy says sternly. I pout even more and stop fighting, he takes my diaper off, wipes me clean then picks me up taking me to the bathtub. It has bubbles! It smells like cotton candy..ok maybe I do want my bath!! Daddy gently puts me into the warm water with a few bath toys. He washes my body and hair, wrapping me in a big fluffy Pooh bear towel and picks me back up. I get dried off and dressed in a diaper, a pair of blue shorts and a super cute floral pink top.

"I don't wanna go back to school daddy I don't want you to go!!"

Daddy carries me downstairs and puts me into my high chair with cereal and fruit in front of me. I start eating slowly

"I know baby but I'm always a phone call away. It will go fast, plus today is a short day. You'll be okay"

He kisses my forehead as I finish eating. He grabs my backpack and my diaper bag. We drive to the school me feeling super nervous to go back again. But I am kind of excited to see Emily. She was so nice to me. I hide my face as daddy walks through the door. I grip into him tighter than I have ever before once I see a boy around my age staring at me and laughing. I start to really whine and say to daddy quietly,

"Dat boy is laughing at me! I don't wanna go!!"
"Shhhh shhh shhh it's okay. He's not see he's laughing at the boy behind us making funny faces"

Daddy kisses my forehead and tries to put me down but I grip him like a monkey baby would grab their mommy. Daddy laughs and pats my diapered bottom,

"I'm sorry but you need to stay, I need to get to work babygirl."

I finally let daddy put me down, I hold onto my stuffed piggy....who's name is you guest it! Piggy. Hehe. I wuv hims so much. I hold him tight as I put my backpack and diaper bag in the cubby. Miss Tess comes over and hugs me as daddy leaves.

"Hi princess! Wanna color? We're all coloring in each of our new coloring books!"

Miss Tess says with a big loving smile on her face. She rubs my back and she gently pushes me to one of the round colorful tables. I sit by Emily! I'm so excited to see her again! But wait...that boy is by me and won't stop staring at me. What does he want?

"Stop looking at me pwease"

I say very kindly but he sticks his tongue out at me and makes a mean face. I glare at him and then turn the other way so I'm closer to Emily.

" that's Jake he's a meanie. Just try to ignore him he's a dummy"

Jake mocks both of us and then goes back to coloring. I don't like him! As I'm coloring he reaches over and draws on my page a big huge line with a marker. I bust out crying, crocodile tears and everything. Miss Tess hurries over and picks me up, puts my pacifier in my mouth and rocks me back and fourth. I start to slowly quiet down placing my head on her shoulder. She smells like flowers!

"Okay now little one can you tell me what happened?"

I point to Jake and then hide my face saying around my paci

"He drew on...on my picture!!"

I start crying quietly again, she shushes me and I quiet down. She lays me down in a crib and covers me with my piggy and blankey. She picks up Jake and takes him to the corner. He starts crying after she spanks him once hard. Jeez I guess this isn't your normal school...well no nothing about this is normal. Anyway she makes him stay in the corner and rubs my back as she checks on me. I'm fast asleep.

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