Wish Come True Part 2⭐💗

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Chapter 2✨

After they explained what happened to the librarian they got a text from their starpad for the SD meeting.

"Oh my stars, what could it be" Sage wondered out loud.

"I told you this morning, remember? Didn'".

"Pfffft yeah, of course I did. What star darling would I be if I didnt?" Sage obviously fibbed.

Cassie sighed" Well it could be another wish mission, we still need positive wish energy even if Rancora was defeated. So ugggh I better stay here with the book angomake sure its fixable"

"Oh, Come on!" Sage dragged her there.

They pushed open the door to Lady Stellas office to see the other star darlings.

As they took their seats Lady Stella glided into the room.

"Girls we have very exciting news, our star darlings crew found a wish orb not meant for one star darling, but for two"

"What, I've never even heard of something like that before" Leona remarked.

"How much wish energy could that absorb?" Vega questioned.

"That's exactly why this will work out starmendously, as we all know one wish granter might have trouble identifying the wish but two can see double the perspectives and find it out right away. Not only that but two wish granters will absorb a tremendous amount of energy", Lady Stella explained.

"Then who will go?" Asked Gemma. 

Since everyone got a chance at a wish mission it could be anyones turn.

"The orb will decide", Lady Stella walked over to her desk and pulled out two wish orbs that were stuck together producing double the amount of light.

"Wow!" they all exclaimed.

Except Scarlett.

They all stared at her.

"Wooooow" Scarlette then said sarcastically while playing with the pink laces on her hoodie.

Lady Stella held it out and they both floated around detaching and stopping in front of each SD member.

Cassie hated this anticipation, she really didn't want to go. Unlike Sage who was basically jumping out of her seat for another chance at Wishworld. Even though these two had opposite reactions the two wish orbs landed in front of them.

"Yay it's us! You can open your eyes now".

Cassie reluctantly opened her eyes to the bright orb in front of her.

She was pulled into a tight squeeze by Sage.

Lady Stella chuckled, "You both have the mindsets to take this wish on and grant it, seeing as though you both will find a different viewpoint on the matter you will be able to grant the wish and take all the energy for Starland. The mission will start tomorrow when the rest of the star darlings will come and give their farewells before your departure".

"Are you ready girls?"

"Yes, Lady Stella" Sage said confidently.

"U-um Yeah" Cassie nervously. But in her mind she was thinking "NoooooOOooo!!!"

"Don't worry Cass, this will be great you'll have me this time and not that nailpolish that made you act weird last time".

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right."

Later that night Cassie was up on the roof of her dorm looking up at her parents stars. It helped calm her but she couldn't stop thinking how big a deal this was to be on the first two SD mission. Not to mention the mission itself, last time she had that nailpolish that made her self centered and have confidence but this time she wouldn't have that and she'd just be her nervous wreck self.

She would call her uncle but he was probably out on tour for his new book, she didn't want to bother him, so she just continued to stare up at the stars.

Suddenly Sage came, sitting next to her with some zoomberries.

"Hey Cass, I knew how nervous you were about this mission, so I got you some zoomberry cake, your favorite!"

"Oh Sage, you didn't have too"

"I might have eaten one, but here you go"

"Thank you," Cassie laughed.

"Did you want to come down and help me pick out my outfit for tomorrow"

"About tomorrow..." 

"You seem really troubled by it", Sage noticed.

It wasn't just the wish mission that was troubling Cassie's mind, it was also these feelings towards the person that sat just next to her.


"Here, let's recite your mantra,'' Sage said, holding Cassie's hand in hers.

"Listen to your feelings, let your inner light shine!" they said in unison.

Cassie was a little surprised Sage had known hers. She felt a rush of positive wish energy feeling instantly better.

Just then a shooting star came, a wish.

"Look Cass a wish from wish world!" Sage sighed, "I can't wait to be a professional wish granter one day"

Cassies saw how happy she was to be a star darling, to have her dreams true from this special opportunity. She wished she could be more like that and have confidence.

"Isn't it beautiful?"Sage said in awe.

"Yes, yes it is" but it wasn't the stars Cassie was talking about.

They stared at the beautiful night sky, from where they were they could see all of the school grounds. There was a gentle breeze blowing Sages waterfall braids lightly back. Sage, sensing her stare looked back at Cassie. Cassie quickly looked away in embarrassment hoping she didn't notice. 

"Well hehe, we better get going, got an important mission tomorrow. Better rest up!" Sage said getting up and heading towards the rooftop door back to the dorms, before things could get any more awkward.

"You coming?"

"Yeah" Cassie said, finishing her zoomberry cake. They walked down the hall to their room in the little dipper dorm.

Cassie got ready for bed, before snuggling under her pink covers. She turned off her lights and soon Sage did the same. "Goodnight Sage"

"Goodnight Cass" Sage replied, soon after snoring off to sleep.

The only lights coming in through the room was the star light through the window and Sages fuschia plants on the side of her bed that also served as a nightlight. 

Cassie couldn't really fall asleep, she filled with excitement and nervousness. Bitty who was at the bottom of her bed sensed this and laid down on her lap. She started to glow and play a calming melody sending her off to sleep....

Wish Come True- Star Darlings, Sage x CassieWhere stories live. Discover now