Wish Come True Part 5⭐💞

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  Chapter 5

Unlike most people they met so far, Cedars mom was actually really nice. Her hair was in a low loose bun and had a weary smile on her face. When they got into the wishling car they had already greeted themselves.

"Well hello girls, are you guys her friends? She asked with a look of surprise on her face.

"Yes we are!" Sage proclaimed.

"Yeah, can they stay over the night?" Cedar asked her mom excitedly.

"Hmm for like 3 to 4 days?", Sage added.

"That's very specific..... but yes I would love to have you over. My names Luciana but you can call me Miss Luci"

"Is no one going to question this?", Cassie muttered.

"No!", Sage shouted excitedly as they drove away.

They soon got to Cedars house on a small yet charming street. The outside was painted a crimson red with a petite garden out front, Cassie noticed as they stepped out of the car

"My mom likes to garden," Cedar said, shutting the car door.

"We'll make a strawberry shortcake for dessert using the fresh strawberries, you girls help me pick!"

"Ugh, mom we wanna play!" Cedar groaned.

"I think it sounds nice we never "picked "anything before" Sage said.

"Haha, well go get cleaned up and we'll get started" Ms Luci laughed.

They rushed up the front steps and into the house after Ms Luci unlocked the door.

"You can drop them off here,'' Cedar said, throwing her bookbag against a wall.

Their house was very homey with lots of succulents and plants casted everywhere. There were fairy lights draped across the whole living room and Cassie spotted a cat.

"That's Sassy she might bite but she's a big sweetie pumpkins aren't you" Cedar cooed.

To this, the cat looked the other way.

"Oh you, such a kidder," Cedar teased.

They washed their hands in the kitchen sink and headed to the back garden.

"Tessa would love this" Cassie remarked, kneeling down in the dirt picking the red wishling fruit.

"Hey, can we give some to a friend?" Sage asked Ms. Luciana.

"Sure!" she nodded.

They spent the rest of the afternoon picking and washing strawberries that they used to make the strawberry shortcake that they quickly gulped down.

After dinner they did homework and got into their pajamas.

"Wait, let me go get my bear onesie!" Cedar cheered while dashing out the door.

Cassie decided this would be a good time to talk about their mission.

"So about Cedars wish, she wants to be accepted for the way she is, it would be easy but everyone here is mean."

"Yeah, we need to try to fix things around here"

"But how?"Cassie asked.

"With the power of love and kindness!" Sage exclaimed.

Oh sage, always so optimistic but Cassie wasn't quite sure that would work.

"Hmm how about we write a whole bunch of kindness notes" Sage proposed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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