Wish Come True Part 4⭐❤️

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   That is what Cedar and Rose look like by the way and their lgbtq+ flags and zodiac signs

"It's nice to have a friend" by Taylor Swift.

I chose this song because it's from the point of view of someone who is kind of oblivious for how the other person feels about them which I thought fit Sage and Cassie well. Also this chapter is from Sages POV, Enjoy❤️

                                                 Chapter 4

"Are you two students here?"

"What do we do? " Cassie whispered, freezing.

"Don't worry Cass I got this", Sage whispered back to Cassie.

"Why yes we do, it's our first day" Sage told the teacher, concentrating on her eyes waiting for the hypnosis to work.

"It's your first day" the teacher had echoed back, smelling the air "Where's that pumpkin pie smell coming from?" (Star Darlings can influence any adult into doing as they say when on Wishworld. When this happens they smell a dessert from their childhood.)

"It worked!"

"I'm Ms.Willow, here, let me help you find your way in, don't want to be late for class on your first day!" she said leading the way into the school. Sage winked at Cassie, following her inside, patting herself on the back for her quick thinking.

The teacher showed them around giving them their schedule and locker codes. They were both familiar to wishling schools. Even though Sage enjoyed the review she was also eager to get back on track for the mission. Just then the bell rang, showing it was time for class.

"Let me introduce your teachers to you," she said, leading them up the stairs. Sage was looking around for their Wishling Cedar but didn't see her anywhere.

"Hey Cass, have you seen her?, What does your Starzap say?"

"It says we're getting close so we'll hopefully be in the same class" Cassie said pushing up her Star shaped glasses, something Sage always admired.

"Girls were here, '' Ms.Willow said, opening the classroom door they were brought to. It was a bright classroom with puppy posters and flowers everywhere.

"This is Mrs.Honey she's very nice, as you can tell from her colorful interior" explained their tour guide.

"Hello girls! Come on in, don't be shy. They walked in and while the two teachers were talking, Sage surveyed the classroom. All the students were staring at them. Sage knew how uncomfortable this would make Cassie feel so she held her hand for support.

Just then Sage spotted their Wisher which made her pendant glow.

Cedar was staring at them strangely, Sage hoped she still wasn't incredibly suspicious.

But just then a paper airplane hit Cedar on the head and it came from the back of the room leading to that mean girl Veronica and her group of friends. They were laughing at Cedar, which made Sage glare at them, they did it right when the teacher wasn't looking. Teachers were never there when you needed them! Speaking of teachers, what were they doing?

"Good luck Sage and Cassie on your first day!". Ms. Willow waved goodbye.

"Oh they'll be just fine" Miss Honey smiled, while closing the door.

Wish Come True- Star Darlings, Sage x CassieWhere stories live. Discover now