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The longer I stared at the judge, the more I realized that this is all my fault. Everyone keeps saying it's not that I'm a victim as well. But they weren't there. They didn't see the look on her face when I had to be the one to pull the trigger.

You see, my dad is part of the government. He had to travel a lot for his job, mom and I didn't see much of him while I was growing up. But I guess I'm not alone. That's what happens to kids when their parents are spies. Still I'm having a hard time believing it myself. I didn't care to believe it until that horrible day, the day that I lost her. She was my everything. Anyone who saw us together could see that I was a complete fool in love with Rachel Clemet's. But now, just the mention of her name makes me fall apart.

As if sitting in Judge Henry's courtroom at 10 pm on Thursday, October 1st wasn't torture enough, he's not even making eye contact with me. Knowing from the look on his face he's going to send my ass to prison. The pain in his eyes says it all, Rachel was his granddaughter. They were incredibly close before she died, I know that he wishes I would have died that night, maybe if I would have they might have spared her? But I'm here unfortunately and she's not. Which makes it my fault in his eyes, and in mine. We are only here so late tonight because the jury has reached a verdict on how I will be spending the rest of my pitiful life. I've been in jail where I've spent the last few months in my cell where I'm reminded of Rachel every day. The way that I look at it, I deserve to be in prison for what happened. The doors to the courtroom fly open, startling everyone, with two men and a woman walking into the courtroom. Wasting no time, the short woman with cherry colored hair gracefully walks up to the judge's bench, as the two men come my way and stand at my sides. Having absolutely no idea who they are or why they are even here. I turn around to look at my mother to see if this is her doing she looks just as confused as the rest of the courtroom. The woman who is standing at the judge's bench keeps talking with him in hushed tones. I can't help but notice her bright pink dress and blue shoes that don't match with her dress. The two men that are standing at my sides are both wearing black suits, as if from some hot shot tv show. The guy on my right is 6'1 with dark brown hair and has a cut on the right side of his square looking face. The cut is fresh and bleeding. As for the other man he stands about 5'9 with light blond hair, from where I stand he seems pissed as hell. Could he be the one that gave the old square face the cut? Hearing Henry yelling pulls my attention back to him and the lady. The lady is still talking in hushed tones, Whatever she was saying he is definitely not happy! He starts yelling once again saying they have no right to take me, that this is his courtroom! His protests come to an abrupt halt once she hands him a red folder. Watching as his face becomes more enraged with anger as he looks over the contents. His eyes look like they are going to pop out of his head. All I can do is wonder what in the hell is happening right now. That's when he looks down at me for the first time, his eyes telling me how much he hates to say the words that are going to come out of his mouth. What he says to me next is something that I'm not ready for.

As the two men take off all my cuffs so that I'm now able to walk without looking like a penguin. I keep thinking about how they both remind of yin and yang because one's blonde and others dark-haired, wanting to laugh at that thought, but I knew it was not the time or place for that. They lead mom and me out the back doors of the courthouse quickly. They still didn't say a word to us, looking over at my mom I know she wants to ask what's going on. But with dad's job, we both knew better not to. As we get into the dark blue sedan the red-headed woman sits next to me crossing her legs. From everything that's been happening I'm guessing she's the one in charge. The driver speeds away from the curb that's when she finally speaks. I wasn't quite understanding what she was saying to me because I couldn't stop thinking about how her dress really didn't go with her shoes or how that dress somehow made her skin look paler. Why do I even care about this so much? Rachel would care if she was here, that's why I care so much because she's not here to voice her opinion anymore. The red-headed woman clearly knew I wasn't paying attention. She looked right at me and snapped her fingers in my face. Once she did that she restated everything she had just been trying to tell my mother and I since we first got into the van.

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