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Making my way out to the patio decorated in white fairy lights Aaron is standing by the fountain with a drink in one hand, a joint in the other. Slowly approaching him. He makes direct eye contact with me chugs his drink then throws the cup to the ground hard, glass shatters everywhere making me flinch. That cup could have been his 5th drink for all I knew at this point.

" Did you hear my father's big speech?" He asks after taking another hit from his joint.

" Yes. Is that why you're so upset?" I ask confused. 

There's so much anger in his tone. Then he laughs, taking another hit of his blunt, bigger than the last.

" I'm mad because it's all a lie! My father is the one with the pain pill addiction and he's blaming my mother for it! This benefit dinner is to make her look bad! And for him to look like the victim so he can get all the pity votes so he can be mayor. " He explains.

" I'm so sorry! I had no idea! Let's just get out of here and go somewhere so we can be alone, maybe go get some food or something? I'm starving." I say holding out my hand for him to take it. 

I need to get him out of here before he makes a huge scene. If not his father is going to lose his shit on him and then Aaron would take it out on me later.

" You don't understand. I can't just leave, I would never hear the end of it! If we left I would end up making my father look bad."

He is slurring his words so badly. It's driving me crazy! We both hear laughter coming from inside the house. Aaron drops his joint in the fountain and it dies instantly. I honestly have no idea what to do? He's too fucked up at this point to comprehend anything I'm saying to him. Never have I seen him get this bad before.

" What do you want to do? Go back to your room? Hang out here? Leave?" asking as I slowly move closer towards him.

" I think I want another drink." He says stumbling past me.

" I think you have had enough to drink." I say grabbing his wrist to stop him. 

It all happens so fast. I felt a blow to the left side of my face. Losing my balance stumbling backwards hitting the ground. A stinging pain hits the left side of my face. Tears spring instantly to my eyes. Trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. Bringing my hand up to my face pulling it way to see blood on my hand. I look up at Aaron in complete shock. His class ring was on his right hand and was covered in blood, my blood! He hit me with that hand on purpose knowing it would hurt more, because of that fucking ring of his!

" You don't tell me what to do bitch! Oh! If you even dare to tell anyone about this I will hit more than your pretty face next time!" He threatens me. 

The look on his face shows me that he's not kidding around, if there's a next time he'll beat me to a fucking pulp. Never have I really feared Aaron before till this very moment. Knowing he meant every word coming out of that mouth of his, it scares me. It shouldn't because he's hit me many times before. He had never hit me on the face, he always made sure to do it somewhere I could over up with a long t-shirt or long jeans. Like last summer I didn't show my legs off at all for the fact that I was always covered in bruises, I barely got to wear tank tops.

" I'm sorry. Excuse me." I say quietly getting up from the ground and rushing towards the side door of the house. 

I knew his house like the back of my own hand. Not even caring to look back to make sure he's not following me. My main focus is to keep myself together to hold in my tears until I'm far enough away from him to feel safe. As soon as I enter the side door to his house, everything around me changes and shifts, I'm suddenly in a barn on my knees with my hands  tied behind my back with a gun pointed right at me, by the man that I love. Every time I see him, he takes my breath away. Then it hits me that I'm dreaming again. Trying to move my hands, I realize I can't. That's the weird thing about these dreams. I can't move, only view things from the girls body that I'm trapped in when I have these strange dreams. Stuck feeling everything that she feels, right now she knows that she's going to die by the man she loves and she's okay with that. I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes because I know what is about to happen. I just wish he didn't have a blind fold over his eyes, the least that he could do is look me in the eyes as he kills me.

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