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Crossing my arms letting out a breath, my anxiety is off the charts. Aaron is going to be here any moment to pick me up for school. His text this morning was very demanding, it was just 2 simple words. Be outside. I knew what would happen if I wasn't outside like he asked. Mentally I'm trying to prepare myself for what is to come. I made sure to wake up early so that I could look my best, which means that I put on the clothes that Kaylin lends me. I picked a nice black summer dress that is kind of short but it shows off my legs nicely and I made sure to wear a long sleeved cardigan to make sure that the cuts on my right arm are hidden from view.

My mind instantly wanders back to last night in the shower, after I cried for what felt like an hour, something inside me just snapped. Next thing I know I'm grabbing my razor and cutting myself. Never in my life have I done anything like that before but it felt good. I felt like for once in my life I was in control.

Staring at myself in the mirror in the living room I tuck my hair behind my ears and make sure that I blended my makeup really well. I put on the silver hoop earrings that Aaron got me for my birthday last year and put on some lip gloss. Aaron hates lip gloss. So, hopefully when he sees that I have lip gloss on he won't want to kiss me.

I think that I look presentable enough so that I didn't tick him off. Loud music is heard coming from down the street which starts to make me nervous because I know that it's Aaron. Grabbing my school bag by the front door I hurry, rushing outside.

Aaron pulls into my driveway in a blue mustang that I have never seen before. This tells me that one of two things have happened, Aaron must have caught one of his parents cheating and they got him another new car to shut him up. Or one of Aaron's dad's clients got them a new car as a sales bribe.

Taking a deep breath I put a smile on my face and opened the car door getting into the passenger's seat. Once the car door is shut Aaron throws the car in reverse and backs out of the driveway quickly. Instantly I grab the oh shit bar right above my head to steady myself. I am so used to his insane driving that it doesn't really stun me anymore. Before it used to scare the shit out of me. 

" New car?!" I shout loudly at him hoping that he can hear me over this loud rap music.

Aaron doesn't even answer my question, he doesn't even acknowledge me. He keeps his eyes focused on the road and turns the music up louder. I take that as a sign that obviously he is still mad at me from yesterday. I'm going to have to do a lot of groveling and not talk to Drake like he requested yesterday. How am I going to do that? I have no idea? Just the thought of ignoring Drake or pretending that I don't like him makes my heart hurt, which is completely insane because I haven't even known this guy for 24 hours. But it's like my soul knows him on a much deeper level and ALL these dreams that I have about him make me wonder if they are going to come true.

" Liv?.... LIV!" Aaron yells at me from the driver's seat breaking me from my thoughts.

I take notice that we are now at school in the parking lot, I must have really zoned out.

" Sorry. I am just tired, I didn't sleep well last night." I answered him by taking my seat belt off.

" I didn't sleep either. I kept picturing you leaving me on the stage and taking off with Romeo." Aaron says sarcastically.

A sigh escapes my lips. Here comes the begging and groveling.

" Aaron, I am truly sorry. I already told you last night that I should have stayed with you. I have felt bad about it all night long. I'm sorry." I say in the most sincere voice.

I brace myself for him to yell at me or hit me or do something, but that doesn't happen. He just rolls down the car window a few inches then leans over me in a threatening way opening the glove compartment taking out a box of cigarettes and a lighter. Bracing myself for the hit before he moves away, it doesn't come. This is torture, I just want him to hit me already at this point. Leaning back into the driver's seat I watch as he takes a cigarette out and puts it to his lips and then with a red lighter he lights it. The stale stench of tobacco fills up the car, I can't help but let out a cough.

Great now I'm going to smell like smoke for the rest of the day.

He takes a few drags ignoring me, then his dark green eyes meet mine.

" Are you ready to finally tell me what happened yesterday? " He asks me in the most calm tone I have ever heard him use before, it scares me.

" I told you. I got caught up in the moment and everything was happening so fast and Kaylin was pulling me away and I just went with her."

He chuckles then takes another drag of this cigarette .

" Still sticking with that story are you?"

" It's not a story, it's the truth. " I say in a firm tone looking into his eyes to show him how serious I am.

" Are you sure you want to stick with that story? I'm giving you one last chance to tell me the truth Liv." He asks me in a playful warning tone.

" Yes, because that's what happened." I say seriously crossing my arms.

" Alright then. If you say so." He says taking another drag. I study him carefully unsure what is happening. He seems calm and not pissed off. Does he really believe me? With his right hand he reaches down for my left wrist and brings it up to his lips and kisses it gently which sends instant shivers up my spine.

" I think that we should ditch school today and go back to my house and talk. Maybe then I can remind you of how we fell in love." He tries to say in a sexy tone.

He starts to kiss up my arm and I can't help but feel like this is wrong. It's all wrong. Aaron and I haven't hooked up since the dance and everything changed that night.

" No." I reply. Trying to tug my wrist away from him but he keeps a firm grip on it. He kisses the inside my wrist again.

" I have a new game in mind." He says sliding up my sleeve revealing my cuts. He looks down and his eyes widen in surprise. I tug at my wrist again to yank it away but I don't have any luck.

" Did you do this last night?" He asks, staring at my arm.

" Yes, now let go!" I say starting to panic.

Here is it. The reason he's been so calm this entire time. He takes another drag of his smoke still holding my wrist and with the blink of an eye he presses the cherry to my wrist. With a Yelp I try to yank my wrist away from him but he keeps a firm grip pressing the cherry harder into my skin. I can't help but let out scream.

Finally lets go of my wrist.

" What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I yell at him.

He stares at me with no remorse. There is no emotion in his eyes. Looking at the burn on my wrist I place my hand over it. It fucking burns! It was definitely going to scar there's no doubt about it.

" Next time try cutting the other way and finish the job."

Anger rushes through me, taking my hand off my burn, making a fist I reach over and punch him in the arm using all my weight. I can still feel all the adrenaline rushing throughout my body.

" Ow! What the fuck!?" He yells rubbing his arm glaring at me.

" You're done with abusing me! I'm serious! I can't stand being around you anymore. You treat me like shit! It's over!" I shout and go to make my grand exit but the car door is locked. Fuck!

" Are you done throwing your little bitch fit?" He asks in a cold voice.

" Let me out of the car right now Aaron!"

" No, we are going to sit here and talk about this."

" Oh now you want to fucking talk about it!" I yell throwing my hands up in the air in annoyance glaring at him.

He studies me, his cold eyes looking over my body making me super uncomfortable.

" I don't know where this defiance of yours came from but I don't like it.

" You're just upset because I'm not going to let you control me anymore."

He laughs at my comment thinking it's ridiculous.

" It's over when I say it's over. Next time look at your wrist before you even think about betraying me." He threatens getting out of the car walking away leaving me sitting in his car alone. I can't help but let the tears fall. 

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