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Leaning over Drake I can't help stare down at him in horror. His bottom lip is cut open and bleeding and huge bruise is starting to form on his face. He hit the gym floor hard, Nick leans down and tries shaking him awake. I just knew that Aaron was going to pull something like this. He was going to keep torturing Drake till he left the school or till he moves. 

  " Drake! Drake Can you hear me!?" I call out to him trying to wake him up. 

He has been unconscious for a few minutes, laugher is heard coming from a corner of the gym from Aaron and his friends I can't help but look over and glare at them. Drake coughs and slowly opens his eyes to see me leaning over him. 

" Rachel is that you?" He asks me confused. 

Rachel? Who is Rachel? I take a mental note to remind myself later to ask Drake who she is?

" Drake, it's Olivia remember?" I can hear the concern in my voice. 

Drake just keeps staring at me like he was trying to figure me out like I was puzzle or something. 

" Jesus Aaron! How hard did you throw that ball at him?!" Nick says calling Aaron out to everyone in the gym. 

" It's not my fault, he wasn't paying attention."

Everyone laughs at Aaron's comment accept Nick and I. Nick and I lock eyes for second and turn our attention back to Drake who is now trying to sit up. God he looks horrible, he is in total shock right now. He tries to sit up again.

" Whoa stay down for now." I tell him pushing him gently back down. He brings his hand to the side of his head where the ball hit him. He then looks at me in shock slowly bringing his hand down to his eyes and it's covered in blood! 

" What happened?" Drake asks trying to remember what happened. 

Just as I am about to answer Drake, Aaron yells at me from across the gym. 

" Olivia stay away from him! Get back to class you are not even supposed to be here!"

Now he decides to stay something about this? Nick glares me waiting for me to say something back to him. I just shake my head at him. 

 " Aaron this is your fault! what were you thinking, throwing a Weight ball at him?!" Nick yells at Aaron getting up off the gym floor defending me. He starts walking towards Aaron continuing  to yell at him. 

 "How stupid are you? Also, don't tell my sister what to do! She may be your girlfriend but last I checked she's not your fucking property!" 

Not really wanting to hear the fight that was going to break out right now, I take this chance to answer Drake's question. 

" You guys were playing dodgeball, Aaron threw a ball, hitting you in the side of you face, you fell backwards hitting the back of your head on the gym floor. It knocked you out for a few minutes."

" Yeah that sounds about right." He says, sitting up again slowly, placing his hand again on the back of his head feeling what was sure to be a golf ball sized lump. 

He winces in pain.

" Miss Jack why don't you take Mr. Parker here to the nurses office. Just like Aaron said you are not in this class." Coach says to me quickly and then walks over to Nick and Aaron who were still yelling at each other. From the look in Aaron's eyes Nick was a dead man. If Aaron even touches Nick that would be breaking our agreement and Aaron knows this. Which is why he hasn't tried to hit Nick yet. 

" Here Let me help you up." I say to Drake offering both of my hands, I have a sudden urge to get him out of here and away from Aaron.  

With no hesitation Drake takes both of my hands and I help him to his feet. I watch as he tries to steady himself, his knees start to buckle I put my arm around his waist to stable him. Drake then grabs my arm putting it over his shoulders so that I can hold all of weight easier.

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