Chapter 10

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Harry's point of view
"Family of Ellie brooks" the nurse asked. "right here" I replied. "well I got good news and bad news what would you like to hear first" "uh good news" "ok the good news is that she's not in a coma" I sigh in relief. "the bad news is she may not remember you guys she could have amnesia after what happened". I couldn't believe what I was hearing I just got my sister and now I might loose her again. "thank you doctor when can we see her" I was hoping for now "um let me ask and I'll be right back" and then she left.

*2weeks later*

Ellie's point of view

Darkness was all I could see. I don't know where I am or what's happening. I could hear voices but they were faint. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't open. just then I heard something that sounded like a door opening. I then felt someone take my hand into theirs. "Ellie please please wake up I need you I can't loose my sister again" a voice said. just then my eyes open and I she my brother and the boys looking at me. "ELLIE"!

Harry's point of view

we were waiting in the waiting room when the nurse that was talking to us came out. "you guys can go in but she is not awake yet your going to have to wait until she wakes up" i was about to jump up and go but someone stopped me. "harry wait we dont know what room shes in" Louis said. oh right i got so excited i did even thought about asking what room she is in. "room 311" the nurse said. i thanked her and ran to the elevator. when i reached to third floor i went down every room looking for room 311. 305,306,307 308,309,310, 311. i went in to find my sister hooked up to machinery, her eyes closed sleeping peacefully. "ellie please please wake up i need you i cant loose my sister again" i say while grabbing her hand.

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