Chapter 2

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Liam and I sat at that booth for hours, talking and catching up. I was only gone for a couple of years but in the cell it feels like a life time. A lot of our old friend group was doing well but Liam wasn't in much contact with them anymore. It felt good to sit back and talk with him.
"Hey man, my shift is over, do you need a place to stay or a ride?"
"I actually wanted to go see my mom and my siblings, do you think they still wanna see me?"
"Bro is that really even a question? Mama D is on speed dial, Hold on." he handed me his phone, hearing the phone ring was painstakingly awful.
" Oh hey Liam, is everything alright?" Hearing my moms voice almost made me cry. It's been 2 years since I had seen her.
".... Mom.." silence hit the room. "Owen, honey is that you?" I could hear my mom breaking down over the phone.
"Yeah it's me. I wanted to ask if you, Tover and Cress wanted to see me" Once again silences settled over the phone. Breaking it my mom spoke through tears "YES OF COURSE!"
I almost started crying myself, "I'll be home soon"
"Okay.I'll see you then"
" Ready to go home?" Liam smiled at me.
We got into Liam busted ass jeep, I was sure this thing would be dead by now.
"How is this still running ?"
"Hey! My girl is doing just fine, isn't that right Stella?"
"You named it?" I began laughing, " Shut up." Liam pushed me. 
Passing by the buildings,  knowing i was getting closer to my moms made a pit in my stomach.
" You okay?" Liam asked
"Yeah I'm good just nervous. It's been a while since they've seen me."
" Yeah you've bulked up a bit. I don't know what the hell they've been feeding you, but it'll never change the fact that you're still Owen." It's true I guess prison did one thing for me and that's give me some muscles. I was small as hell when I went in. It was only fair that I got stabbed.
Liams car came to a halting stop, "we're here man"
I looked out to see the same little blue house I grew up in. They added a porch swing for some flavor I guess.
"You gonna be good?"

I sighed "Yeah."
"Alright, I'll see you soon, call me if you need anything."
I dabbed him up and hopped out of the car. I began up the concrete steps, each step I felt the pit drop lower and lower. Maybe I should turn around. I reached the door and before I could knock. It swung open. "OWEN" my little sister and brother flung themselves at me making me fall over. They giggled and laughed. They are much bigger then I remembered. My mom stood in the door way leaving her head against the door. " Come on kids get off of him." They popped up and walked right inside, I got to my feet and walked towards my mom. "Oh honey look at you" my moms eyes began to well with tears. She gave me a big hug and I knew finally I was home. " Well don't be a stranger come on in"
I didn't really remember the house I grew up in, but I knew it was different. The stairs were carpeted now and the weird wall blocking the kitchen and the living room was gone. The whole kitchen was re-renovated, with marble counters and dark cabinets.
"I like what you've done with the place." I said looking around.
" Oh thank you, Me and Casper have been working very hard on it."
"What did you say?" She already has a new boyfriend? You're joking especially after the last one.
" Casper, my fiancé.." I know I couldn't control the look of disgust that came across my face.
"I know you may think he's like the last one, but the kids really are taking a liking to him and he's really a great guy"
" Yeah you said that the last time..." Now I know what you're saying, Owen you're being a dick. Just let your mom be happy. Well what if I told you her last boyfriend was the reason I ended up in that shit hole in the first place, you may change your mind.
The tension was thick, I know how much pain that probably just caused my mom. But I lived that tragedy every time I took a breath.
"Hey Owen, You wanna see my room?!" Tover grabbed my hand. Leading me towards the stairs
" Yeah I think that's be a good idea." I walked past my mom following Tover up to his room. When he opened the door, to my surprise, there was a young boy sitting on one twin sized bed. Looked about 15 years old. He had dark curly hair, thick black glasses and was pretty scrawny.
"um Hi..." he looked up at me petrified. I am so glad I have that power over people now
"Hey" I said shoving my hands in my pockets and leaning up against the door.
"So you're Owen right ?" he said very awkwardly, seemingly uncomfortable. "Yeah that's me and you are?"
"I'm Elijah, Caspers son."
"Ah." I had to look down, I don't know who this man is, but who in the fuck names their kid Casper. I know his parents hate him. I walked towards Tover's bed and sat down.
"So do you like it Owen? I have lots of Deadpool posters and some gaming stuff!" Tover was so excited to show me all of his new toys. To see my brother, all grown up broke my heart. I wanted to be there for so much and yet I was there for nothing. Elijah and My brother have the same stature, my brother is a little scrawnier but quite honestly if I didn't know him, I'd think they were biological brothers. Maybe even twins, they're around the same age.
We talked about his new favorite games and how school was going. Elijah chimed in from time to time but mostly kept to the comic in this hand.
"Tover , did you want to stream tonight? I'd understand if you didn't. " Elijah asked shyly. " Always! Just let me hang out with Owen a little more"
" Nah is okay buddy, I'll be here awhile. I'm gonna go visit with Cress for a little" he pouted but he understood.
I walked down the long hallway to see my old room, I opened the door to see it set up the exact same. Even the bed sheets haven't changed. I turned and knocked on Cress's door. " Come in" I heard a little girls voice, but not Cress's.
I see a small girl looks about 6 years old playing with a doll house. She has long blonde hair that curled slightly at the bottom, blue eyes and rosy cheeks.
"OH HI OWEN" she ran up and hugged me. I was very worried about how comfortable these kids were with me, like do they do this with strangers. Should I be concerned?
"Um hi..." She detached herself from my leg and looked up at me " I am Ashlynn, A... S...H...L...Y...N, uhhh N"
"Oh uh good job, it's nice to meet you" What the hell is wrong with these kids. Cress comes running up the hallway, jumping on me. "Owen play dollies with us PLEAAAAASSEEE"

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