Chapter 8

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As we walk up the steps of the stage we are met with Squadron S, they are even more intimidating close up. X walks to Chuckles and he gave her a big hug, even though she tried squirming out of it. Definitely seemed like one of the overbearing fatherly types. I approached Casper.

"So what did you think?" He rest his hand on my shoulder.

"Quite honestly, I'm scared but I'm even more excited." Now I can't tell Casper I almost violently shit myself, why? Because he'd think I am weak and uncut for the job. Which would get me killed, I much rather not do that.

"Good, what did you think of Reaper? Little rough around the edges, no?"

"Oh,  she seems like a real peach. ' If you do anything,  you die'" I mocked.

"She's not as cold hearted as you'd think." Casper laughed. "Alright everybody, let's go see her."

I turned around to see everyones recruitment, in my surprise everyone was about my age. With Ace, there was a guy about the same height and build as me. He didn't have any significant scars or tattoos. He had dark brown hair, pale skin and hazel eyes, he looked sightly younger than me. Jigsaw had a girl who may've been the same age as X. She had short buzz cut blonde hair, dark skin and ocean blue eyes, both of her arms were riddled with snake tattoos. I most definitely will not piss her off. Jersey and Scar may've had brothers, one slightly younger than the other, I'd say a year in between each. Both the guys had brown hair, olive skin and brown eyes. They were both taller than me and the guy with Ace, but they were both slimmer than us.

We began walking on the back portion of the stage, the more I looked around the cooler this place got. In one of the buildings the entire wall was made of glass, you could see multiple cubicles with people testing out advanced technology. Computers without a physical covering, a person shooting a gun with bullets that were invisible and silent. As we walked down the side walk, I saw more gorgeous court yards, small corner shops for coffee for people to grab. It looked like an underground town.

We walked into the largest grey building, when we entered, two more of Frankensteins creations were at the door. "Are y'all going to see the boss?"

"Yeah, she wants to see the kids we brought her." Casper chuckled.

"She really is excited to see trainees, that's a first." Chuckles giggled with Casper.

We entered an elevator and went to the tenth floor, but this time the elevator went up.

"Owen?" I heard X whisper.

"Yeah what's up?" I whispered back

"Are you nervous?" X looked up at me.

"Yeah honestly about to piss myself." I looked down at her. "Are you nervous?"

She giggled. "No not really, Reaper is like my big sister. She surprising really calm and collected."

I'm sorry was X raised in like the most fucked up family ever? Her sibling and father both basically are in a mafia and she's been waiting for her recruitment day like it's prom. Last time, I checked putting a bullet in between someones eyes is not like someones first dance. Why is she excited about this ?

Hearing the bell ding my heart dropped, we entered a large office. There were floor to ceiling windows, a little black desk in the middle. More of Frankenstein's Creations stood around the office, closer to the tall silky black bookshelves. But none of them terrified me more than the girl sat on the top of the desk.

"Reap, how's it hanging kid?" Chuckles entitled the room with a warm greeting.

She nodded at him. I'm assuming that meant okay. I don't know. That girl is hard to read.

"Well that's good, we have your friends" Chuckles motions for X to move up.  X obliges and moves to towards the Reaper.

"Hey Reap long time no see." She walks up to the Reaper and did something I thought she was gonna get shot on sight for. She hugged her? Reaper did pull away either. She gave her a small tap and X walked back toward Chuckles.

"This is Nine and Coins" Jersey announce, the twins step forward and nodded at Reaper In unison.

Jigsaw clears her throat "and this is Silence." She stepped forwards followed by Ace stating. "This is Tiny."

"Of course last but no least this is Owen" Reaper gazed over all of us. She stood from the desk. Walked over to Nine and Coins first. She circled them and looked up and down. She then repeated this to everyone. X seemed to be quite intimidated by her sister. Honestly, I am too.

She then walked back over to the desks and sat down. "Well, what do think?" Casper broke the awkward silence which thank god, cause I really felt like letting out on of those awkward situational toots.

"Good." She wasn't this quiet at the meeting earlier. Why is she acting like this now? Must of been the formalities of recruitment.

"I want to speak to them all individually..." She said quietly. "Squad S, you'll be dismissed for the next few hours. Please look at the assignments I have waiting for you in your office. I can assume your field op will be done soon."

They all nodded their heads as they began to exit the room. Please. Casper. DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THIS PSYCHO.

While they entered the elevator I heard Chuckles quietly say "The compound kids are gonna be okay but what about Owen?" As the door closed I looked back. Casper gave me a nod of reassurance but I most definitely was not assured. I am going to die. 

"Now, that they are gone you can drop y'alls formalities." She said coldly and sighed.

"Why'd we have to go to that meeting Reap?" Tiny loosened his tie and sat on one of the chairs. "We've all been here way too long. I mean except that new guy." Everyone else followed suit and found a chair to sit on in the room except me who was too terrified to move.

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