Chapter 9

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"We went over this yesterday. Recruitment day is Recruitment, asshat." X said sitting in Reapers office chair.

"Yeah, but we are compound kids, the new recruits will know we aren't like the rest of them in a days time." Nine said exasperated as he untied his tie.

"Exactly. This is dumb Reap. And X almost told everyone who'd listen to her today anyways." Tiny rolled his eyes. 

"Shut the hell up. No I didn't, you were just trying to get your dick wet by the Ginger. You act like you have an assign seat on my ass, so do me a favor and  -"

"Enough" Reap said pretty quietly. But everyone immediately straightened up."You have been training here since you were young,  yes. However, today was your on boarding. Regardless of how long you've been here thats a requirement, Those are the rules. You also, Tiny, do not know all the rules. Need I remind what happened last time you tried overrule my authority."

I didn't expect it but I croaked. "What happened last time?"

"Excuse me ?" Reaper looked directly at me. "I- uh sorry. I was just curious." I looked down shyly.

"Oh  and thats's another thing, who is this guy? I thought it was just us on a squadron." Nine said looking at Reaper.

"Since you guys are clearly so versed in the missions, added actual fresh legs to your team. Go on introduce yourself." She mocked Tiny, which he just sat and gawked at.

"Hey I'm Owen-"

"So what did you do?" Silence actually broke her own silence. Ironic.

"I beat the shit out of my moms scumbag boyfriend."I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly looking at Silence.

"That's it?" She twisted her neck. The hell did she want me to say. I just nodded.
"Oh, I thought it was much worse." She sat back in her sit in the corner unenthusiastically.

"Oh wait ,Reap ,was that the guy you killed awhile back because Casper's porking his mom?"

"The fuck did you just say?" I turned and faced Tiny.

"It no secret everyone knows about it."

"Watch your fucking mouth." I started rushing towards him and next thing I knew I saw a knife fly across my face. Tiny dodged EFFORTLESSLY and it stuck in the wooden bookshelf next to him.

He sighed deeply. "Rejects duty, I know." Tiny stood up and brushed past me "Glad to have you on the team Owen." and entered the elevator.

"When will he grow up." Coins shook his head.

I'm sorry let's pause for a moment. No one, not a singular person , is startled by the majestic knife that just flew across the room and he dodged it? Didn't even blink. Arms still crossed?

"Sorry about that Owen, he's not use to change." Nine said standing up. "I am Nine and that is my brother, Coins."

"Nice to meet you, one question though. If you guys already knew each other why were they saying you were excited for kids your age and why did we have to come be introduce?"

"Even though we've been here a long time, we've just been training . This will be the first time a team of our age group has been made. Me and Silence aren't allowed completely on the field yet however, so we are more tactical tech." X stated.

"How have you guys been here so long ? Are y'all kids of the members here?"

The room fell silent, you could hear pin drop. I didn't know that what I said was harmful. I didn't mean it by any means. I just wanted to know. "Sorry I didn't mean anything by that."

"You're good. It's just sort of a touchy subject. I'm sure everyone you'll eventually get to know that part of us. " Coins spoke to break the tension in the room.

"Speaking of which, We should head back to the Den because I have a feeling Tiny is losin' what little mind he has to begin with." X stood up from behind the desk and began walking towards the elevator and everyone began to follow suite. I began to follow the rest and then I heard a sentence that made my stomach turn.

"Owen. Stay." Reapers voice is somewhat soft and inviting, but also cold and calculated at the same time I don't know how to describe it but it does terrify me. I turned around and walked back in front of her. Is what I said truly that terrible? I really didn't mean to offend them or her. Is she gonna kill me know? I shouldn't have been so dumb.

"Let's have chat shall we?" She says. This is it, this is where my story ends. Thanks for reading everyone because I am dying right  now.

"You are going to have to train much harder than the rest of your squadron.  Reason being I hand trained all of them as we grew up. Starting tomorrow, you and I will begin your training. You will be here at 4:15 AM sharp and be in bed no later than 7:30 PM . These trials will be tough and they will last a month before you are ready to train with your team. Understood?" She glances at me through her brows.

Back to having a bed time and being someone's slave, great. I nodded.

"Good. Now, about how everyone got here. I'll tell you, this is not to be repeated and if they are to ever bring it up to you, you act as if it is the first time you're hearing this information. I only will explain this to you because it is important for you to understand the hardships your team has been through and you don't bring up or say something touchy. Now grab a chair and sit." She turns and props herself on the desk.

"My origins will not be disclosed. Tiny, Nine, Coins, X and Silence may've been here a long time, but they also do not know my origin. Only Chuckles and Casper do. What the others know and what I tell you now, my origin is dark and caused me to be unable to connect with the outside world properly, which is why I built the underground. Let's get that out of the way because I have a feeling you were gonna ask." Okay, so is she a fucking psychic too? What the hell is this woman? Not human, most definitely.

" I understand, I only have one question. How did the The Underground officially start?" I held my breath hoping I didn't ask a bad question. At which she chuckled, so I have no idea what she is finding assuming but I am terrified.

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