Chapter 1: The end

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Three days had passed since the blonde boy had looked at himself in the mirror. Three days since he had put a hint of make up on his face. And three days since he had looked at his phone to message anyone.

George knew he was being stubborn and overthinking things, as per usual, but he couldn't stop thinking that perhaps he had hurt his friend and he didn't deserve to be forgiven.

It had been five days since George was eliminated from the famous show, and he was so hurt that he ended up blaming everyone for his departure, everyone but himself. And now he regretted it but it was too late, everyone hated him and his roommate couldn't even look at him. George contemplated going home. Going home and just forgetting all about it. All about his friends and all about that fateful kiss that ruined his friendship. George had had enough and he was going home, he had his bags packed and he had made up his mind.



A'whora's face dropped. "This is it," she thought. "I'm going home."

"Shantay, you stay." There were applauses and cheering and all she wanted to do was cry.

She kept a strong posture and a smile on her sad face.

"A'whora, shine bright my love, your time has only just begun."

A'whora nodded and smile. "Thank you for this opportunity, it meant the world."

The blonde girl slowly walked out of the stage, unable to look at her friend on her way out. She was happy that her friend was able to carry on in the competition, but she wanted to win and couldn't help but be sad.

The car ride was somber and silent. Her phone had rang multiple times. She knew who it was but she couldn't speak to anyone right now, it was too difficult.


A'whora was sat on the sofa, aimlessly scrolling through the channels when the door opened, startling her, she sat up straight and her eyes almost flew out of her face.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" She shouted.

"I care about you a lot more than I care about a competition, and I couldn't stay there knowing that you hated me."

A'whora had tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe what happened. Tayce had left the competition because she hadn't replied to her messages.

Tayce ignored the fact that she sent her home and has now quit the show for her.

She was astounded. This competition meant everything to A'whora, and Tayce had simply thrown it away.

The blonde drag queen got off the sofa and made her way to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She slumped on the bed and burst into tears.

Tayce slowly opened the door to her room, whispering a low "are you okay?"
When the only response that came from the blonde was sobbing, Tayce walked in and laid down next to her roommate.

"What's the matter girl? What have I done? I thought you would have liked the fact that I came home?" She asked, unaware of the feelings A'Whora had about her quitting the show.

The blonde slowly stopped sobbing and turned around, looking into those green piercing eyes.

"I was eliminated, Tayce, by you! I'm not saying it was your fault, because it wasn't. But being eliminated meant you got an extra chance, and you ruined it by quitting! I'm fuming at you, you basically threw away a chance I would have killed for, it's not good!"

Tayce knew she had fucked up. She knew she had royally fucked up.

"I just thought you hated me for beating your ass in that lip sync, I thought you had your bags packed ready to leave and I couldn't let you leave without telling you I'm sorry. You were ignoring my texts and declining my calls, I didn't know what to do Whora, I'm sorry. I love you too much to let a show come between us and I'm really sorry I made you feel like it was all for nothing I didn't mean it I swear." Tayce pleaded.

The blonde looked at Tayce, she seemed genuinely sad and hurt. Her lip dropped and her eyes were sunken. "Those green eyes..." she thought.

She was so lost in those green eyes that she didn't even feel Tayce moving towards her, until green eyes disappeared behind eye lids. And all of a sudden it wasn't Tayce's eyes she was thinking about. It was her lips.

Her full, and warm lips, closing in on her own. Tayce was kissing her. And without warning, A'whora felt herself falling into the kiss. Her shoulders dropped and her eyes closed and in a second she was kissing Tayce back.

A'whora's hand lifted and landed on Tayce's cheek, she felt a tear on her face and opened her eyes.

Tayce looked shocked. She pulled back abruptly and looked at the blonde. And without another say, she was off the bed and out of the bedroom. A'whora wanted to call out her name, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out. And next thing she knew, the front door opened and the dark skinned girl was gone.

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