Chapter 3: High Demand

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Tayce walked through the front door and was suddenly taken aback by the smell of cologne. She frowned and looked around her. This place stank of boy!

"Hello?" She yelled out.

After no response came, Tayce walked through the house into A'Whora's bedroom and was shocked, to say the least.

The bed had a black bedspread on it. The curtains were a dark shade of blue. There was a grey rug on the floor. The desk no longer had an array of make up brushes - instead it had a notebook and a mac book. A Razor on the side and a selection of hair gels and oils. "What the fuck?" She wondered.

"Hi." She heard behind her, making her jump 3 feet in the air.

"Christ girl! You almost gave me a hear-" Tayce stopped her sentence mid way upon facing A'whora. The blonde girl was no more.

Long gone was the ripped camp clothes and the blonde wig.

In front of her stood a 5ft11 broad shoulders, smoulder looking boy. Tayce's breath hitched and she was left speechless.

A'Whora had a pair of very tight navy jeans, a baby blue shirt, as tight as anything she's ever worn and her hair was styled into a quiff, making her look extremely attractive. Tayce couldn't take her eyes off this new A'Whora.

"Well I'm glad you like me better this way," the blonde said, with a sad smile.

Tayce took another look at the girl before speaking, "well I mean! You look..." Tayce trailed off. "I mean!" She chuckled.

"Why, what's happened, you going on another date or something?" She regretted the answer as soon as she asked it.

A'whora felt her face flush a little at the thought of going on a date dressed like this. But did it mean that Tayce cared a little bit...? She wondered.

"No." She stated firmly. "I'm simply done with A'Whora. I'm George. And I quit being a drag queen."

Tayce was a little stunned, to say the least. "Wha-" she tried. "What do you mean?" She asked, with a slight chuckle, this had to be a joke, it's the only explanation, in her head.

"I don't want to be A'Whora anymore," she said, sheepishly.

"Why? You're gorgeous, you're sassy and you're fit!" Tayce exclaimed. "Why on earth would you not be that person?" She asked.

A'whora sat down on the end of her bed and a stray tear fell down her left cheek.

"I just-" she tried. A sob took over her.

Tayce tilted her head and sat next to the blonde girl, putting her arms around the shorter girl.

"You need to stop being silly. You've had a hiccup, things got weird, but you're just confused Whora, you're absolutely stunning, you're talented, you're funny and you're my best friend. Stop thinking that you'll be better off being this pretend boy, cause you won't. You love A'Whora, you love embodying her. And yes, I must admit you look so freaking hot dressed like this, but when you come out of this room in full A'Whora kit, you are out of this world!"

A'Whora lifted her face to look at her best friend, like a little lost puppy with a glint in her eye.

"You know, last time this happened you kissed me like some fool, please don't do that again, I'd hate to turn you down," A'Whora jokingly said.

Tayce smiled at the blonde girl. "Oh please girl, you only wish you could kiss these lips again," she said, getting up from the bed. "Not everyone can be so lucky yanno!" She finished.

A'Whora stood up just after, her smile faltering slightly as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Actually-" she started. "Come here." She motioned Tayce over with her index finger.

Tayce was confused but somehow slightly turned on by this new A'Whora. She walked closer to the blonde.

"What's going on?" She asked.

A'whora smiled nervously and put her hands on Tayce's small waist. "Shut up. You talk too much" she said with a smile.

Tayce gasped, but was quickly silenced by A'Whora placing her lips on the tall girl. She kissed back with such passion, that everything seemed to slow down around her.

It wasn't until A'whora pulled back that she realised how much air she needed, and took a deep sigh.

"Close the door."

Tayce took a step backwards without braking eye contact with A'Whora and slowly closed the bedroom door.

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