Chapter 5: Cold and Empty

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The walls were a boring shade of white. Lights flickering. A buzzing in the distance. People chattering and walking all kinds of direction.

The blonde girl looked behind her, the two officers seemed to share the empathy, which was nice.

Walking through the hospital corridors brought A'Whora some sense of discomfort. She shouldn't be here. She should be at home cuddling her best friend, making her beans on toast- her favourite. Yet here she was. Sombrely walking through the hospital.

She walked into a room and a sob took over her.

The room was big and the walls beige. There was two machines on the left, with wires coming out all over. On the right side there was one machine. With wires going into Tayce's mouth. Wires in her nose. Wires stuck to her chest. Wires everywhere.

And there she was. Tayce.

She seemed so small in that bed. Her hands by her side. A needle on the back of her left hand. A'Whora wanted this to be a dream so badly. She couldn't stand here and watch her best friend like this. She couldn't.

"We're going to head out now, but would you be up to answering some questions a little bit later?" The female officer asked.

"Sure." A'Whora replied, nodding her head while keeping her eyes on Tayce.

As soon as the officers left the room, A'Whora let out another sob she didn't realise she was keeping in. She sat next to the girl and just held her hand.

Tayce had a tube going into her mouth, and a bandage around her head. She had dark blue and black bruising around her cheekbones and one long gash on her jawline, and there was dry blood all over her neck.

"What the hell did you do?" She asked aloud.


The beeping of the machines brought A'Whora out of her sleep.

The girl had been at the hospital for the past week, and nothing had changed in Tayce. A'Whora had answered questions for the police that made no sense. She had no idea what had happened. Not without listening to Tayce's side of the story.

"Wake up babe." She whispered sadly.


The room was buzzing. Everything was blurry. Her throat was dry.

Tayce opened her eyes slightly and tried to look around. It was all white beige. The walls were dull and the beeping was ringing through her eyes.

She tried to cough but her throat was so dry it felt like sand paper rubbing on her tongue.

She looked to her left and spotted a glass of water. Tayce reached for it but her arms felt like lead, everything was heavy and the moment her fingers hit the cool of the glass, it fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Hey!" She heard from the other side of the room.

"I'll get that, don't worry," the familiar voice said again.

A'Whora left the room and came back seconds later with a plastic cup and straw.

The water sliding down the green eyed girl's throat felt like heaven. She could feel everything cooling down; from her tongue to her throat, to her chest and organs. It was as if everything was coming alive again.

She lied back on the bed with a sigh.

"How are you feeling?" The blonde asked.

Tayce didn't respond. She didn't know how to feel. She had been the butt of a joke between her so called best friends. And now she was lying in a hospital bed.

"Get out." She whispered.

A'Whora was confused. Her brow furrowed. "What?" She asked.

"I said get out." Tayce repeated. "I don't want you here, I want you to leave."

"Why? What have I done?" the girl asked, astounded.

"You've done plenty Whora, and you need to go."

A'Whora tried hard to keep her emotions in, but her best friend was in a hospital bed and the last thing she needed was to be stressed out. So the blonde girl unwillingly left the room, confused and upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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