Chapter 4: Eavesdropping

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A/n; I'm really sorry in advance.

The sun was shining bright, the flowers smelled incredible. The coffee was extra crisp this morning and nothing could ever take the smile out of the blonde's face.

"Oh just tell us what happened already!" Bimini shouted.

"I feel like I slept with a hanger in my mouth," she said, smiling. 

"You slept with something in your mouth alright!"

Everyone erupted into laughter at Lawrence's dig.

"No way!! Who?!" Ellie asked.

"Me and Tayce spent the night together," A'Whora let out.

"About bloody time, all the sexual tension was getting  a wee bit much girls" Lawrence replied, with a laugh.

Tayce's smile faltered. She was just about to put the key in the door to open it, when she heard the conversation.

"I can't believe that all it took was you dressing up as a boy," Ellie said. "I told you it would work"

The conversation carried on, but Tayce wasn't interested in anything else. A'Whora had lied to her. It was a bet that Ellie had given her. She actually fell for it too. How could she be so stupid, she actually fell for something that Ellie came up with. She was hurt. She was angry, and most of all, she was disappointed.

The dark skinned girl walked back to her car and drove away. She didn't know where she was going but she knew she wasn't staying here.

A'Whora was brought out of her reverie of last night when she heard a car starting. Her stomach filled with butterflies at the thought of seeing Tayce after last night. The tall girl had left before she woke up, so she didn't even know what she was thinking, and it just made her more nervous.

Suddenly the car sound was gone and she peeked through the window, Tayce was driving away. Oh, she thought. Maybe she forgot something at the shop.


"A dare!" She shouted. "A fucking dare!"

"I can't believe I fell for a dare given by Ellie fucking Diamond," she repeated.

Tayce was angry. She thought something genuine had actually happened between her and A'Whora. Something good and beautiful but apparently not!

"Just a bloody dare."

Tayce didn't realise she was crying until she looked in her rearview mirror. How could she be so stupid as to fall for it. She should have known.

She had been thinking aloud in her head so deeply that she didn't even realise she hadn't taken her eyes off the mirror and when she looked forward again, her eyes shut automatically.

Her car was halted suddenly, throwing her forward. Tayce hadn't been wearing a seat belt and her body was thrown through the window.

The green eyed girl opened her lids and saw the blue sky. The clouds were crisp and white, the sun shining behind one of them. Tayce wanted to smile. The day was beautiful, everything was silent, she felt like she was floating. Everything was numb.

And then all at once, all the noises came flooding back.

There was shouting, there was yelling. She couldn't turn her head but she could feel a multitude of people crowding around her.

Then the sirens came. And the blue lights and the red lights and then one bright light, shining right in front of her. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


A'Whora was pouring herself a drink at the kitchen counter when her hand stopped suddenly and dropped the bottle, hitting the glass, breaking it into tiny little pieces. She was frozen.

The blonde had a horrible feeling in her gut that she just couldn't shake off. Her friends had left and she was home alone, waiting for Tayce to come back. It had been hours.

She picked up the phone and dialled and dialled and dialled, but no answer ever came. She was getting worried.

It had been 14 hours since A'Whora had seen Tayce. It had been 11 hours since everyone had left their flat. It had been 9 hours since A'Whora felt a sharp pain in her heart and couldn't figure out why. And it had been an hour since she started crying cause the feeling she had wasn't a good one.

Has anybody heard from Tayce?

She asked her friends individually. Every single one had replied no. Making her feel even more worried.


The harsh knocking on her front door awoke A'Whora, startling her. She didn't even realise she had fallen asleep.

She rushed to the door hoping that it would be Tayce.

Her heart sank upon opening the door. There was a male officer, about 6ft2, short black hair slicked back, with his hat in his hand. And a female officer, long brown hair in a ponytail, also with her hat in hand. This can't be good, she thought.

She looked at her phone and realised it was 4am. This really can't be good.

"Hi, I'm looking for George Boyd," the male officer asked.

"That's me." The blonde replied nervously. "What's going on?" She asked.

The officers looked somber before replying. "I'm afraid there's been an incident, involving your..?" He trailed off.

"My roommate," A'Whora finished.

"Your roommate's been involved in a car accident ma'am" the female office continued. "Would you like to come with us, we'll drive you there."

A'Whora nodded and grabbed her shoes, getting into the police cruiser. As they drove in silence A'Whora couldn't help but cry. What the hell happened. 24 hours ago she was enjoying the best time of her life and now she's driving to the hospital, and she doesn't even know if Tayce is okay. She cried silently the whole way there.

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