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3rd person POV:
Clint and the avengers walk up the path of his home and they all look around confused.

"Clint, where are we?" Thor asks.
"You'll see." He says.
He opens the door and they all walk into the house.
"Honey! I'm home!" Clint says and hugs Laura and kisses her.
"Lil! Coop! Artemis!" Clint yells.
A little girl and a little boy run down the stairs and into their fathers arms, he kisses their forehead and sets them down.
"Where's Artemis?" Clint asks Laura.

"Probably at her lab." Laura responds.
"Lab?" Bruce asks.
"Yes, everyone this is my wife Laura, and this is lil my daughter and coop my son, Artemis is also my daughter I'll introduce you to her once she's back." Clint says, all the avengers nod and say hi to the two little ones.

"Artemis should be back by dinner." Laura says.
Seconds later.
"Mom I'm home!" Artemis yells from the entryway as she closes the door.
"In here, honey!" Laura yells from the living room.
Artemis walks in and her mouth drops and turns into a smile.
"Aunt Nat!" Artemis says excitedly as she jumps into nats arms.
"Missed you too kiddo." Nat says hugging her back.
"What the heck happened to you face?" Clint asks as he sees his daughters bruises face.
"Experiment gone wrong." Artemis says blankly making Bruce and tony both laugh a little.
"What experiment?" Tony asks.
"I'm trying to use snake venom as a healing method." Artemis said.
"Anyways I gotta go to Benjamin's (friends), nice meeting you all!" She said.
"Benjamins?" Wanda asked smirking.
"Okay, well there all staying here for a week or two." Clint said motioning to the avengers in front of them.
"Okie dokie, before I go I gotta feed scraps." Artemis said getting some food and putting it in a bowl.
"Scraps?" Sam asks.
"My pet fox." She said before leaving.
"Bye guys!" She said leaving.
Artemis then headed to Benjamin's that was right down the road as the avengers just talked in the living area.

A couple of hours later Artemis gets back.
"I'm back!" She yells as she enters the house.
"We're in the living room!" Clint yells as Artemis enters the living room.
"What took you so long?" Clint asks.
"Archery." Is all she says.
"You're a archer too?" Loki asks.
She nods.
"You're dinners on the counter and you have school tomorrow so go to bed early, okay sweetheart." Clint says.
"Okie dokie." She says getting her plate and sitting next to Sam and Bucky.
"Nice to meet you." Bucky says holding his hand out for her to shake, she shakes his hand and nods with a smile as she does the same with Sam.
Artemis just listens to their conversation as she eats.
When she's done she stands and puts her dish in the sink.
"Night dad, night everyone." She says giving her dad a hug.
Everyone says goodnight and she goes to change.

She puts on a sweatshirt and plaid pj pants then goes to bed.

Y/n/ Artemis POV:
I went to my bedroom and layed down, staring at the ceiling.
I heard someone creeping around in my hallway and looked and saw a tall-ish blue eyed guy with white and black hair, wearing a dark blue tight shirt, he had shock waves coming off of his body, I assumed he was apart of the avengers and I just hadn't seen him before.
I went back to bed and lied there for awhile.
I stayed like that for hours lost in my own thoughts.
Then I looked over to the clock, 4:43
I only had about an hour and a half until I had to wake up for school, I got up and decided to go downstairs.
As I was tip-toeing down the stairs I could hear people talking in the living Room, I mentally cursed when the stair suddenly creaked, the voices I once heard went silent.
"Artemis, is that you?" I heard my dad ask.
I walked down the stairs and peeped my head into the living room where I saw all the avengers looking at me.
"Ye, sorry." I said.
"What are you doing up this late?"
"Couldn't sleep." I said entering the room.
"Mmk, well you wanna sit?" Dad said patting the seat next to him.
"I was going to go to the roof but sure." I said sitting.
"The roof?" Thor asked.
"That's her perching spot." Dad said.
"Jeez, you really are just like your dad." Tony said with a chuckle along with everyone else chuckling.
"By the way who's the black and white haired dude?" I asked.
Everyone looked at me confused.
"Um no one here has black and white hair." Dad said.
"Oh... ok then." I said, I'd always seen these people and would say hi to them but no one else could see them so when I was little no one thought about it much but as I got older they started saying they were hallucinations and I believed them.

About a hour and a half later.
"Ok, go get ready for school, and be nicer to the teachers." Dad said as I walked up the stairs.
"I'll think about it!" I yelled walking up the stairs as everyone laughed.

I opened my bedroom door and saw the black and white haired guy sitting on my bed, sniffling.
"H-hello?" I said closing my door and approaching him, his head shot up in confusion.
He was crying.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
His face of sadness turned to confusion.
"Y-You can see me?" He asked me sniffling.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be able to see you?" I ask confused.
"Uh- because I'm- well, uh how old are you?" He asks.
"16." I say.
(Pietro is 18 in this story and wandas 25 because his death was three years ago.)
His face turns to one of concern.
"Uh- I'm pietro, Nice to meet you." He said a smile crossing his face.
"I'm Artemis, you okay?" I ask.
"Ye, just a little happy that some one can see me, it gets kinda lonely sometimes." Pietro says.
"Hug?" I ask giving a comforting smile trying to make him happier.
He looks hesitant so I bring him in for a hug.
"I missed hugs." He whispered.
"So do I." I say.
"You wanna hang later, maybe we can be friends?" I say.
He nods and wipes his tears.
"Now, not to be rude but I have to get ready for school, do you mind stepping out of my room for a second." I ask.
"Oh ye sorry, by the way your clints daughter right?" He asks me.
"Ye!" I say.
"Cool! And can you not tell anyone I'm here." He asks me.
"Ye sure, if I did they'd look at me like I'm crazy, I've been seeing these people my whole life and everyone told me I was hallucinating I thought I was crazy!" I say laughing, he looks at me worried like I don't know something before leaving the room.

I change into a red hoodie and blue and red basketball shorts, put on my converses then put my hair into a ponytail and walk out of my
I see pietro in the hallway of my bedroom and wave at him.
"Hey." He says.
"Wassup, you wanna go eat
breakfast?" I ask, he nods.

We both go downstairs and I grab a bowl of cereal, he signals to me to act like he's not there so I nod as a signal saying I understand and act like he's not there.
I eat my cereal, and I see pietro write something down on paper and push it towards me, I open it and read.

None of them can see or hear me and I don't want them to know that I'm here yet, maybe in the future, Wanda is my twin sister but I don't want her to know either, this is my phone number so we can still talk around others, xxx-xxx-xxxx, and thank you for being my friend Artemis, it means a lot.


I smile as I read, I nod in his direction as a 'you're welcome or anytime' kinda gesture then grab my phone and type in the number.

Me: no problem, I have to go to school soon so you could come or I'll see you after school.

Pietro: okie dokie, I'll stay here, see you after school!

I put my phone away and smile at him then get my backpack.
"Bye dad!" I said hugging my dad then went over to hug Natasha and waved at everyone as they said bye and I left.

I waited at the bus stop and all of a sudden I saw this silver trail in the yard and Pietro was right next to me.
"Wha just- wait you have abilities?" I ask.
"Yea, super speed, can I take you up on that offer, to go to school with you? There all talking about dumb boring shit." He asks, I laugh a little then nod and smile.
Seconds after the bus stops in front of us, we both climb the steps and kids laugh and throw paper at me, as I walk to the back of the bus.
I sit down and Pietro sits next to me.
"You're not gonna let them treat you like that, are you?" He asks me concern in his voice.
"It's better just to hush then to interfere." I say.
Then a boy from the seat in front of me turns around, "who ya talking to freak?" He asks making people on the bus laugh.
I roll my eyes. He turns back around and I get out my notebook that's full of weapon designs and continue on my latest idea for a new type of bow and arrow.
Pietro leans over and points at the drawing.
"That looks cool! You're an archer like your dad?" He asks me.
"Ye! I'm trying to make my dad a new version of a bow and arrow so it'll have more accessories for emergencies and easier to handle and detach from his bow holder." I say, he nods and smiles as he watches me continue to draw.

30 minutes later we're at my school:

To be continued...

(Btw either Pietro will become your love interest, orrrr Pietro will become your 2nd best friend other than your dad and Sam, and Bucky will be your love interest, pls tell me which you rather have!) please comment!

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