The land of the dead pt.2

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We talked for hours, he guided me back to the path of fallen rose petals and walked to the edge which had a drop-off to nothing.
"Jump." He said, "what?" I asked.
"You'll be back in the lake when you jump, I'll bring you here again to visit, but you won't be staying here." He said, giving me a little push closer to the edge.
I looked down and took a deep breath in, "tell everyone I said bye." I said giving him a smile.
"I will." He said smiling back to me.
I jumped and closed my eyes.
I fell and it felt so peaceful until I felt water surrounding my body, I held my breath and opened my eyes and swam to the surface.
I was soaking wet.
I looked at the sky realizing it was day now, mid-day.
"Shit." I mumbled.
I walked to out of the lake and started walking back to the house.
I passed the dead hydra agent again and couldn't help but laugh a little passing him.
"Bitch couldn't even come prepared." I said to myself as I wheezed.

I walked back to the house and as soon as I stepped into the house, my dad, mom and everyone else turned to me.
I walked into the living area where they were.
"Where the hell were you? I was about to send a search party." My dad said hugging me.
"Kid- why are you all wet?" Tony asked.
I looked down at my clothes as my dad sat back down.
"Um- midnight swim?" I said smiling awkwardly.
"You can't just leave the house you could've gotten hurt." My dad said.
"Oh ye um- so there's this thing." I mumbled.
"What thing?" My mom asked.
"Umm so there may or may not be a dead hydra agent on our property." I mumbled, everyone looked at me with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry-what?" Bucky asked.
"How'd you kill em?" Loki asked amused.
"How else do you kill someone? You just kill em." I said, Loki laughed a little, everyone gave me weird looks kinda like they were impressed or scared.
"Impressive little mortal you are." Loki said.
"Thanks I guess." I said.
"Ok we'll change your clothes and you can stay home today I guess but you have to tell us more once your done." My mom said, "okie dokie." I said then headed upstairs.

I got a quick shower then changed into a hoodie and sweatpants and put my hair into a messy bun, as soon as I stepped into my room I saw Pietro sitting on my bed, as I entered the room he looked up.
"Hey where we're you last night? I was worried." He said.
"I- um it's kind of hard to explain, I was in the forest then a hydra agent attacked me- I'm fine and all but-" before I can finish he stands up and looks at me worried.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, "I'm fine but anyways then these glowing butterflies led me to this lake and I met this person who said I can speak to the dead and then brought me to the land of the dead and-ye?" I said, he smiled and nodded.
"So then you know I'm-?" Pietro asked, I nodded, "why didn't you say anything?" I asked, he shrugged.
"I didn't know how." He said, I smiled, "it's fine." I said as I hugged him.
He hugged me back.
"I gotta go my dad and mom want me but are you coming?" I ask.
"I'll stay here." He says, I nod and wave as I leave.

I go downstairs with a smile and they all look to me.
"You just killed a hydra agent, why are you smiling?" Peter asked.
"No reason." I say.
"Who were you talking to, a boy??" Nat asks smirking at me, I roll my eyes.
"Um no, there better not be a boy in your room." My dad says as everyone else smirks at me and laughs a little as I blush.
"Not a visible one." I mumble.
Everyone looks at me.
"Wait you actually have a boy in your room?? Oooo" Wanda says.
"What's his name???" Sam asks with a smirk.
"Uhm- no one." I say.
"Mhmmmm sureeeee." Tony says.
"I'm going to check." My dad says as he stomps up the stairs.
"Sooooo??? What's his name??" Thor asks.
"There's no one in my room." I say.
"Then why are you blushing??" Loki says.
"I'm not."
"You are." Steve says.
I roll my eyes.
My dad comes back down the stairs.
"Where is he?"he asks.
"There's no one there." I say.
He plops down on the couch and crosses his arms and glares at me.
"If I stare long enough you'll break." He says and we all chuckle.
"I'll be back." I say going upstairs and all I hear behind me is 'ooooooo'.

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