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chapter twelve

Taehyung rushed after Jungkook, but the older was an insanely fast walker.

"Wait up!" Jungkook didn't even look back. Honestly what was his problem??

"Jungkook slow down!!" Taehyung shouted and this made the ravenette freeze on the spot. Taehyung panted quietly, turning his head to the side slightly.

The ravenette turned around and Taehyung almost pissed himself at the sight. He was angry. Really angry.

'Fuck my life'

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung by his shoulder's and slammed him into the nearest wall. The blonde had seen these type of scenes in movies. Usually there was some sort of sexual intention or there would be soon, but not in his case.

His back hit the wall so hard the wind was literally blown out of him. He gasped for air, but Jungkook didn't seem to care about what he had just done to his soulmate. It felt like he just broke his back, and unfortunately, not in the sexual term, but in the literal one.

"You have gotten too comfortable. First I let you into my home, then I allow your filthy hands to touch me, you cross the line now that you think you can disrespect me and call me by my name!" Jungkook shouted in Taehyung's face.

"What?! You think you're some kind of special princess who's come to save your lost and broken prince? You think I care about what you have to say? You think you're going to change the way I behave just because you're my soulmate?!" Taehyung's eyes started glistening with tears, and if Jungkook wasn't enraged with the blonde he would've found it heartbreaking.

"That's not-I didn't-" The blonde started sobbing. He was hurt physically and emotionally, and he was terrified of the man in front of him.

"Get out of your fucking imagination Taehyung, this isn't a fairytale, and I'm not going to change for you." Jungkook said, finding himself calming down at the small sobs of the younger. Deep down inside he felt terrible, but he couldn't help it.

That's just how he was, and he wouldn't change for anyone, not even Taehyung. (mhm we'll see bout that) Jungkook turned around to leave, but Taehyung grabbed his arm, stopping him from moving away.

"No! You do not get to leave me just because you can't face your feelings! I deserve to be loved hyung! Don't you think I do?!" Taehyung shouted between his shaky breaths and sobs. This was really hard on him. His mental health couldn't exactly cope with the feeling of abandonment easily.

Jungkook growled but Taehyung had nothing to lose at this point, so he went closer to the animalistic man, cupping his cheeks and staring deep into his black orbs.

Taehyung brought his mouth to his soulmate's ear, while grabbing the back of his head and caressing his locks.

"I won't stop trying, I want this even though you treat me like shit," Taehyung whispered softly, and Jungkook felt himself shiver. His soulmate was incredibly intoxicating. He was so close the ravenette could feel their chests pressing against each other.

It was probably the most intimate he's ever been with anyone, at least willingly.

He was silent, but inside he was screaming all kinds of things.

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