chapter 2

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When we got to Smashing house and he showed me to my room he told the boys where coming over.  In my room I put on some sweatpants and a josh's hoodie. I walk downstairs to Eddie and Josh here already. " nice hoodie" Josh jokes knowing that it was his. I sat down on the couch next to Smashing " nice to see you out of your room how was unpacking?" he asked " oh it's good i'm almost done" I say as he smiles, 'god he is so cute' I say in my head as Josh and Eddie sit next to me. I hear a knock on the door and Josh gets it. Narrator and Mully look kinda pissed off. " hey guys whats up" Narrator blurts out " nothing just chilling" I say 

 time skip to later that night when all off the boys had left 

It was just me and Smashing " ight see ya man i'm going to bed so yea" I say really tired " alright night mate" he says in his brush voice the one that gets me every time I blush as I walk up the steps but right as i'm up the stairs I hear Smashing  say " goddamn just tell him how you feel, no I can't I don't want to ruin our friendship over me being gay i'm a idiot." This made me happy and sad knowing that he didn't want to talk about feelings. That's when I got an idea i'll tell him in the morning and see what he says 

 the next morning ( kinda scared to write this tho) 

  " hey Smashing can I talk to you about something" I mutter out nervous " um sure w-what is it" he stutters 'here goes nothing' I say in my head " um  i-i'm g-g-gay" I mutter as his face turn confused to happy "that's great can I tell you something?" he asked happy "sure" I say " ok well um I like y-you and i'm also gay" he stops  and looks down to face the rejection that he thought I was about to say " will you be my boyfriend?" he ask scared " yes " I say in love with this man. He hugs me he looks more happy now " love you" he said shyly I guess  he thought that I would say it back " love you more " I say as he kisses me on the cheek. I thought that the moment would last forever until I heard a knock at the door. It's the boys, Smashing asks if I can help him with something upstairs. When we get upstairs he looks into my eyes and kisses my nose " do you think we should tell the boys yet" he asked " um ok sure" I say nervous and he held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and we walked down stairs like we had just gotten married. When we got down the stairs Josh notices right and points it out   " guy look at juicys hand" he say. the other boy look down. " awwww I new it would happen" Mully laughed. " shut up Mully you and Josh are next" Eddie said knowing how much Mully hated when people said that they should date. "anyway congrats man I'm proud of you" Narrator says while giving me a hug. "do you guys want to watch a movie" Josh said looking at Eddie "sure I'm down" Eddie said "dibs on the fluffy blanket" I yell and running for the couch. I jump on the couch and grab the blanket  and throw  it over me and lay down on a pillow. Smashing walks over to me and sits down.I get up and lay down on his shoulder 'comfy' I say in my  head. " what movie are we watching" asked Josh. Me and Eddie l  looked at each other "scary movie" we said at the same time. "Ok" Smashing,Mully and Narrator said. Half way through the movie Smashing falls asleep, I'm as pretty tired so I lay next to him. I wake to the boys talking about something. " whats going on" I ask still sleepy "look how cute this is" Josh says and shows me a photo of me and Smashing on the couch sleeping. "why did you take this" I ask "oh we thought it was cute" Mully chimes in " I'm going back to bed" I say before laying back down on Smashing chest. "alright then the boys are gone then" Mully says as the boys walk outside and I hear two cars start. I look up at Smashing sleeping peacefully and kiss his lips, he kisses back and his eyes open " you know that could have asked right" he says softly with a smile "fine can I kiss you then" I ask and make the puppy dog eyes " ok" I lean down and kiss him again " I love you" I say after we are done kissing " love you too but promise me you leave me" he says looking down " promise"  I say and kiss his cheek. I get up and grab my phone see Mully tweeted something. It was the photo of me and smashing with the caption " new best couple sorry Gabby and Eddie". I show it to Smashing "I agree with this" he jokes. "Babe how is this going to work, because  I live in the USA and you live down here and only talking in vr or texting" I ask hugging him tightly. He hugs me " well then maybe you should live with me then. You know that all the boys live here now that Eddie and gabby moved down here last month and Narrators in the process of moving so why not live with me" He says as he stands up and walks into the bathroom. I think bout it for a while. " babe I'll move in  with you If you help me move " I say as he comes back to the couch. " Sure I don't mind helping you move" He says sweetly and kisses my lips.

 ok ok this is soo cute word count: 1040 

smashing X juicy     ( cute couple)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя