Moving day

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Hi my name is Kylie and I'm 15 years old. I'm pretty pissed right know though so I'll just get going.

"Macy I'm going to miss you" I say tears in my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you to. You have to text me everyday and Skype me once a week" she says as she hugs me.

"I promise I will bye"


I run over to my mom and we boarded the plane. I'm still mad she didn't tell me we were moving to Georgia sooner. I mean if you plan on moving you should tell your kid first. But apparently that's not my moms theory. My moms a special effects artist, basically she does makeup and some other techno stuff. The reason we are moving is because she got a job on the show THE WALKING DEAD. I love the walking dead but I'm still not happy we are moving I mean I love Oklahoma. I loved my house my town my friends, but because it's such a big opportunity I guess I should be happy for my mom. It's just really hard. When we land in Atlanta, Georgia and grab are bags we head out to the front door.

"Uh... mom how are we gonna get to the new house, if you haven't noticed we don't own a car anymore" I say sarcastically.

"You'll see" wonder what that means. We sit on a bench for awhile, but then a green car pulls up and stops in front of us and a guy gets out. I didn't recognize him at first but then he turns around, its Norman Reedus.

"Norman is that you" asks my mom.

"Sure is" he says while giving her a hug. "its nice to see you again and is that the little girl you were talking about" he asks looking a t me.

"Yes... that's Kylie my kid" my mom is acting like is no celebrity standing in front of us.

"Hello Mr. Reedus" I say in a shaky voice.

"Hey Kylie. just call me Norman. Mr. Reedus makes me feel old"

"Ok Mr. Reedu... I mean Norman" he laughs at me.

"So thanks for picking us up today I really have no idea who would have if you hadn't been able to" says mom.

"No problem" he looks at both of us "well are yall ready to meet the rest of the family and see you new apartment"

"Sure" I say hoping in to the back seat. Mom gets in the passenger side while Norman drives. I get bored listening to them taking so I pull out my head phones and listen to music. I text Macy tell her I am sitting in the same car as Norman Reedus.

K: hey guest what!
M: what?
K: I'm sitting in the same car as NORMAN REEDUS!!!
M: oh my god really send me a picture!!

I'm trying to take a picture as quickly as possible. I find out I'm to short and am gonna have to aim it at the review mirror. I'm about to snap the picture when Norman says something.

"You know if you wanted a picture all you had to do was ask" holding back his laughs.

"Well you see my friend doesn't believe that I'm in the same car as you, so it's not what it looks like" I say trying to hide my red cheeks.

"Well what's your friends name?"


"Can you call her and hand me the phone"

"Sure" I dial her number and hand him the phone. he puts it on speaker phone. And waits while it rings.

"Hello is this Macy"

"Yes who is this"

"This is Norman Reedus and I was calling to say hello because I found Kylie trying to take a picture of me" he says all serious.

"Kylie who's the random man talking in to the phone"
She ask me.

"It's Norman Reedus I promise" I say laughing.

" gosh really"

"Yes"he says.

"I think I'm having a heart attack" we all start laughing then. Norman hands me my phone. I tell Macy by and fell asleep.

A couple hours later we arrive at the new apartment. My mom told me that since she didn't tell me we were leaving sooner I could have the master bedroom, and because she doesn't have as much stuff as me. I run into my room and look around. There are a couple windows and and a WALK IN CLOSET! I should get this straight know though I don't use closets for clothes like normal people. I put all my equipment in there. See I want to me a music producer. I have these speakers and my laptop, my CD burner, and lots of other stuff that I start to hook up. Once that's done I head to the smaller boxes of stuff once I'm fully unpacked I put up my curtains and fix my bedspread. I don't know this move might not be so bad.

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