The Spot

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Later that night me and Chandler head back to the house to clean up.

I head up to my room and take a shower and get dressed. I sit down with my computer and Skype my mom.

"Hey sweetie how was it today with Chandler"

"It was great him, Conner and me had so much fun. We went mudding and finished the truck and I'm gonna take Chandler to meet Macy tomorrow"

"That's great so I know my daughter pretty well and to me it sounds like you might have a little crush"

"No.... ok maybe just a little"

"Aww my baby girl has a crush on a movie star that all most sound like normal teenage behavior"

"Hey I am a normal teenager"

"I know but you have always have had an older mental age"

"Thanks I think"

"Well I got to go call me tomorrow"

"Love you bye"


I put my computer on my night stand and pick up my phone because it starts to ring. I look down and see that it's Conner.

"Hey Conner what's up?"

"We'll J.D. Called and wanted to know if we were going to go the the spot tonight"

"Yeah I'd love to! Bring the truck I want to drive there me and Chan will be ready when you get here"

"Ok see you in a few"

I hang up the phone and put on my boots and walk across the hall to chandlers room. I knock on the door and he opens it almost immediately. He stands in the door shirtless and in some sweat pants.

"Hey be put on some clothes. Were are going to 'the spot' as soon as Conner gets here"

"Ok I'll meet you outside"

I walk down stairs and see that my uncle is gone and there is a note saying he will be back tomorrow because he spent the night with Carrie his girlfriend.

Outside is cool, with just I bite of fall that's coming soon. I sit on the porch and wait on chandler. I close my eyes and imagine him earlier in the day. His laugh was so down to earth. His smile makes me smile, and he's always popping off jokes that make everyone laugh.

I hear him clear his throat and sit down by me. I can feel him looking at me. I feel my cheeks get hot. Am I blushing?

"So are you having fun"

"Yeah it's great I've had more fun this week then I have had in mouths"

Just then conner pulls up in the truck I run to the drivers Side and command him to slide over. Chan hopes in the back and I head full spread down the road towards the spot.

I know I'm only fifteen and I driving illegally, but hey what the cops don't know won't hurt. I love the feeling of the wind in my hair and the blaring sound of music coming from the speakers.

"Fluorescent adolescent by the attic monkeys"

I look at conner and see him staring at me funny. He eyes look different from when we were kids.

I pull in to the driveway that leads to the spot. I part the truck and get out and take in the fishy smell in the air. The clearing is now full of cars and people. Ages vary from 14-19 I see some of my old friend and I run up to them.

"Jace, Casey, James guess who's in town!" I yell.

"Oh my gravy it's Kylie" screams Jace and then they all run up and tackle me to the ground. We all are laughing so hard we don't even notice another car pull up.

"Kylie, who's it going?" Asks Jessie.

"Fine Jessie" I say trying to mask my emotions.

"Long time no see why don't me and you go for a ride and bump uglys somewhere"

"Eww gross" he grabs me by the arm and that was his first mistake. I grab his hand and twist his arm back I pop his shoulder out of place and push him to the ground.

"Now I told you many of times that I'm not one of the many whores that follow you every where. I suggest you leave and don't come back"

"I'm leavening but I'll be back when you least expect it"

He gets in his truck and leaves. I turn around to a shocked Chandler and group of friends that are smiling.

We hang out the rest of the night and play games. One of the games was called "if you love me" well the point of the game is to get someone to smile. It was really fun.

I get tired around 4:00 in the morning. Me, Chan, and Conner head back to the house and conner drops me and chan off.

We head to the kitchen and I make us a sandwich some chips and grab us a pop. I walk out to the porch and hand him his plate. I sit down across from him and start eating. We sit out there till about seven and watch the sun rise. I hear the birds start to sing.

"Kylie I'm gonna head to bed and try to get some sleep"

"Ok see you later"

I look around and notice that uncle Tim is not back and that all the animals need to be fead. I think I will do my old job I miss it.

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