Chrushing on you

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When I get home later that night I decided to call Macy. It rings about three times before she answers.

"Two Movie stars in two days girl you are living the life" she says in her excited voice which is really high.

"Calm down its just Chandler and Norman what's the big deal"

"Your already on a first name basis with them oh my god I'm so coming to visit soon"

"Well you kinda scared Chandler today with the 'you can stock me' stuff"

"Well I was just so shocked that you were sitting by him and then your like he's been stocking me... my question is who wouldn't want him stocking them?"



"I don't know I just don't"

"Do you think he's cute though?"

"Yes he's cute" I giggled

"Well I guess I got to go my moms telling me it's bed time night"

"Night call you tomorrow"

I hang up the phone and crawl under the covers. Chandler is really good looking I have to admit but he would never go for someone like me. I'm just the wired girl who's life revolves around music and school.


I sitting in bed thinking about that Kylie. She's pretty and smart, but she's really funny two. She is really good with music. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. I think I might be getting I crush on her. I think I might have ask Andrew for some advice. I know he's not my real dad but since I stay with him while we're filming we have gotten really close. I feel like I could ask him anything. Tomorrow will be great.

I decide to call my best friend Ethan and to get my mind off of Kylie.

"Hey man what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much just hanging out with Lily" he says.

"Lily the one you've been crushing on since third grade?" I ask holding back a laugh.

"Ya got me man!" We end up talking for awhile but then he asks "so there any hot chicks there this year?"

"Well ya there's this one and her names Kylie she's the daughter of the new makeup artist"

"Dude what's she look like?"

"She's got red hair and blue eyes and is like an inch shorter than me, and she's really funny"

"Sound like my friends got his own crush" he snickered.

"I don't know man"

"Well I have to go some people still go to school" he's says.

"Talk to ya later man"

"Bye" and he hangs up.

Do I have a crush on her?

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