Okie girl

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When I wake up. I start to get ready to go to work with my mom. I decide to wear I pair of dark wash skinny jeans, I grey tank top and a blue flannel. I pull on my black converse and grab my computer bag. I go into the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee and a bagel. My mom walks out of her room and looks at me funny.

"You look nice today" she says smirking.

I just nod and open the front door and walk out to the car. When we pull up to the studio I see Chandler and a couple girls around are age all laughing. I can't help but feel I twang of jealousy. I can see my mom smiling at me through the corner of my eye. I hop out of the car and walk over to where Chandler and the girls are.

"Hi Chandler"

"Oh hey Kylie meet Jamie, Josie, and Samantha"

"Uh hi you guys" I say kind of awkwardly.

"Eww what are you wearing?" Asks the one girl called Josie.

"Clothes" I say with a duh tone.

"Wear did you get them goodwill?" She says laughing.

"I might have what does it matter" I ask making it sound like I don't care.

"Chandler lets go why would you want to talk to someTHING like her" she say putting emphasis on the thing in something.

"Hey don't talk about her like that she is perfect the way she is and you all are just a bunch of prissy bitches" Chandler shouts at them. They huff and turn away from me and Chandler. "Sorry about that"

"It's ok it happens a lot" I say turning away.

"Hey you wanna help me practice some lines?" He asks

"Sure I'd love to" I tell him. we walk back to his trailer.

When I walk in his trailer I'm a little taken back. Its really clean. I don't know why but I didn't take Chandler as I neat freak.

"So what show are you practicing" I asks.

"Oh it's an audition part for a new character" he hands me a copy of the script "that's why those girls were here today"

"OK... so I guess I'm speaking the part of Harley"

"Yep" he says piping the p.

"I'll start" He say.

I read through it once trying to get a feel for it.

"Who's there?" He says.

"The names Harley, what's yours"

"Carl Grimes, so are you by yourself?"

"Ya I have been for the last year"

"So where's your family?"

"I don't have any family never had" say trying to make it sound like I have no emotions.

"Oh well you can come back with me if you want we live at a prison and you'll have to ask my dad but he won't care"

"Ok that's sounds great" I pause and look at him and then trying to be funny I go "and seen" Chandler looks at me funny at then shakes his head.

"That was really good for your first time" he says

"well thanks, I always like being in the school plays and drama" I say my cheeks turning red. all of a sudden there's a knock on the door.

"Chandler I need you to come with me for the auditions" says Robert.

"Kay be there in a sec" Chandler calls. He picks up the scripts and shuts them in a drawer. I stand up and walk out the door and with him right behind me. Roberts still waiting outside when I tell Chandler bye.

"Meet me here at eleven and we can go to lunch together" I tell him I'll meet him and then head to the makeup trailer.

I'm walking with Robert to one of the buildings to go do the auditions in.

I'm so bored though because all the girls who audition are bad actors or just don't fit the part right. I look at Robert and he shakes his head in frustration.

"I don't know what I'll do if I can't find a girl to play Harley"

"I'm sure you'll find someone you always do" I say patting him on the back "I'm gonna go meet Kylie for lunch see you later"

When I get to the lunch room I see her sitting at a table on her computer talking to someone. I go sit by her and see its some guy.

"Oh hey Chandler this is my friend Conner" she says.

"Hey" this making me feel like a third wheel.

"So anyway Ethan wanted me to ask if you could come visit us next weekend and have a couple friends over to hang down at the lake?"

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't care... but I'll have to ask"

"Kay so I have to go Skype me later bye" says Conner

"Bye and tell my Asian panda I said hi" then she ends the call. she looks at me.

"Sorry about that he just called to tell me we got the parts for are car in"

"It's ok... what car?" I ask.

"Oh me and him are rebuilding a truck to go missing in and we had ordered some more parts for it" she says like its no big deal. "hey if my mom says yes do you want to come to my old town with me I could show you how and okie girl lives" says with her accent showing even more.

"I would love to" I say. before I even think about it coming out of my mouth.

"Ok then it's a plan we will leave after filming next Friday" she says typing away on her computer. "this will be so fun you'll love, anyway I have to go I'll be back bye."

"Bye" I say while she walks away.

What did I just get myself into? I ask myself.

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