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The great city of Valathos. The crown jewel of the continent of Faldria. A city filled with renown mages and arcane casters. People who with a simple flick of the wrist can make the weave of magic bend to their will. But our story does not start in one of the many towers dedicated to the learning of magic. Nor does it start at the crowded streets of a city blooming with laughter and joy. Nor do we start at a simple stand where a merchant haggles with a customer. Our story begins at the magnificent port of the city where new shipments carrying spices, silks, tools, wine and everything one can imagine that they could sell to this city. A young man with glorious hair that are pointed to the sun like the mane of a proud lion and exotic complexion walks out of this boat. His clothes have the same color of his one true love, well second but I'm getting ahead of myself, blue like the sea with a tiny dose of black to remind him of the deepest depths of the abyss that the sea hides from the weak willed. His eyes blue again mirroring his calling and his facial features young, handsome even. His ears a bit pointy to the uncultured folk but to those with the slightest knowledge would recognize the guise of a half elf. Especially his as the man, nay the sailor is no other than Fullmentys Adtonitus. The great owner of the Faldria East Limited. One of, if not, the greatest fleets of trading ships that this continent has seen. Besides the various jewelries adorning his person there was another to his side. The most precious gem of his life. One that would put even the shiniest gemstone or majestic pearl to a shame. His one true love indeed. His beautiful wife. Melody Greyback. A woman with the hair of a rainbow and that is no joke. Her blonde hair will often play tricks to one's eyes as they change color. But to mention only part of this beauty would be a grave mistake. Her features slender and gorgeous. Her posture matches the one that her husband has, walking among this pier like she owns it. The sheer confidence she exudes is almost inescapable and amazing. Her outfit a bit more modest but with the power to captivate people the clothes are just extra dressing. A white and blue striped blouse that seems unfolded near her waist half tucked. Her trousers a bit buggy to fit comfortably and of course a leather strap behind her back with her most treasured possession. Her father's lute. One with small elven inscription near the base of the cords that she lives by to this day. Her pointy ears are a dead giveaway for her heritage as well. Indeed, a pair worthy of each other. It is almost a complete picture. Ready to salute them as they come off the ship stands a rather peculiar creature. A standing tall with bandages around where his hands should be but instead, they are around feathers, a rather large rooster dressed to the same color scheme to that of Fullmentys, is there ready to hug both.

"Greg." exclaimed Fullmentys as he went in for a hug.

As the young man and Greg take a moment to say their salutations Melody interrupted.

"Forgot me, Greg?"

"I-I would never."

They hug altogether as they started walking on the harbor.

"So, how come you come to Valathos? I thought the kids had your hands full." he says with a small grin to his face.

For a brief second both Melody and Fullmentys seem to darken for a bit.

Fullmentys started explaining as Melody clutched what seems to be a small parchment of paper in her pocket.

"The Queen summoned us a while back. And we can't just refuse." he said with a smile that never seemed to leave his lips.

"The kids are with their grandparents for the time being."

"I see. Boss just say the word and I'm back to Silverport. I helped raise those small brats. I'll be happy to take care of them until you return." said the rooster eagerly.

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