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The chilly wind on top of the mountain had stopped but the chills travelled to everyone's body as the sight unfurled in front of them. Darion's body, lifeless walking behind the one claiming to be Von Duhm. Its flesh slowly started stitching itself back together as he walked closer to his newfound master. Von Duhm looked around with bloodshot eyes, examining the people standing in front of him. He could see Melody reaching for her husband's hand and Fullemntys getting in front of her, like a shield. He could see Kiara's hands having a feint green shine on them as her scales slowly appeared on her shoulders once again. He could see Leonardo clenching his gloves but letting them free as he took a deep breath. He could see the two arrows coming to him as Rav'vn had let them loose. Without even flinching the arrows turned to snow.
"Fuck!" he exclaimed as he started preparing another two upon Abraxas.
A small grin formed on the burned lips of Von Duhm. He looked on Rav'vn's most trusted ally and his eyes turned white for a second. Rav'vn could feel Abraxas turning more erratic more aggressive, trying to force him from his back. The giant eagle rose to the sky and turned its back on the ground still trying to shake off his master. Rav'vn was taken aback. He tried to hold himself, but he realized to late that Abraxas wasn't the one in control. He begun plummeting to the ground. As the others looked Leonardo spoke a word making him float to the surface of the ground.
"Need not to result to violence. I believe you are still too drained from your previous encounter. Besides it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to say that if I desired your meaningless lives to cease, I could have done that a while ago." said Von Duhm with an earie, otherworldly voice.
He approached the others with his hands near his robe. His walk despite the condition of his body elegant like a noble walking to a ball. Once he reached near Leonardo, he got his hand out and opened his palm revealing a familiar pin. The looks of confusion from everyone were second only to the response of their bodies being stuck watching helpless as the figure in front of them exuded a terrifying aura. One that could make everyone return to its basic instincts of fight or flight.
"Thank you for you being kind enough to lend it to me." he said as he expected the pin being taken from his hand.
Everyone looked at Leonardo seeking answers, but he had none. He most of all looked baffled.
"What?" he said as he looked Von Duhm straight in his eyes.
The sight was repulsing. Although most of his body was covered the eyes had insects crawling on them.
"You've done me a great service. Without a bit of essence from the queen herself I wouldn't be able to locate the king. As a thank you I will not end the miserable existence you call life. Instead, I shall give an hour to return back and say your goodbyes while there is still time." He said as he let the pin hit the ground.
It took the pins mere moments to touch the surface of the ground, but everyone's mind was racing, coming up with questions.
"W-what do you mean?" said Melody with a faltering voice.
Von Duhm turned his back on them all and begun walking away.
"A cleansing. A chance for this world to be built anew without sin."
Fullmentys looked at Melody, his hands shaking and with his despair filled eyes started mumbling an incantation. It was too late for Melody to stop him as it dawned on her what her husband was doing. Both of them vanishing from the peak of the mountain. Kiara looking back and forth between Rav'vn and Leonardo who was trying to move.
"You should follow your friends lead. It is no shame for the weak to run from the strong. I understand. I forgive you, for you did not know." he said as he kneeled on the ground.
"The only forgiveness I accept is the one of my god!" yelled Kiara as she pushed towards Leonardo.
Von Duhm looked behind him with a grin. His eyes taking interest on the young cleric.
"What do gods have to do with mistakes of mortals. It wasn't the gods that made me what I am today. It was I. It wasn't the gods that told the king to betray me. He chose it. He sinned. It is only fitting he meets his justice on the world he lived." He said as he drew glyphs on the ground.
Kiara's eyes lit up. The green light on her hands turned orange as fire erupted from her towards Duhm. The great ball of fire evaporated the snow on its path only to meet Darion's hand that absorbed it. Kiara's eyes widened even more. She looked back at Rav'vn that was nowhere to be seen. Abraxas landing next to Darion with his eyes now sharing the same colour of Duhm. Leonardo still trying to break this invisible force holding him back.
"Do not waist your precious gifts on things that are vain. Focus on trying to survive for the next minutes. Rejoice for I am bringing and end to the suffering this world detests so much." He said as he finished his glyph.
"We won't let you!" she exclaimed.
Von Duhm laughed. His laughter worse than the scream of the beast they had slain before. Slowly turning to witness the one who made him burst into an emotion he had long forgotten. His eyes turning green for a moment as he took a good look of Kiara. Kiara could feel someone forcing herself into her mind. Her head aching like nothing before. She fell to her knees. The little snow under her turning red from the blood dropping from her nose.
"Young blood, you couldn't even stop the one causing so much pain inside you. I am here for you. I am here to bring justice on those praying on the weak and poor. You will understand if you survive." He said as he yelled a word in the air.
The ground and the sky in front of him broke in half, like a door forcing her way. Darion and Abraxas turned their gaze toward the portal and followed the lead of their new master.
"I understand." Said Leonardo.
Von Duhm halted his subjects and turned to face the young wizard.
"I know what you mean. I understand your sentiments. He does deserve such fate. King Droman-"
"Do not say his name in my presence!" he screamed as the ground shook.
His voice louder than any thunder, or storm.
"You are right. That scum deserves the worst of fates for what he has done. " said Leonardo as he kneeled.
Kiara could only look in despair. Duhm made his way to Leonardo. He stood in front of him watching him closely.
"He has to pay for his crime against you. My lord if you could allow me to help." he said as he looked in his eyes.
"A child that smells of magic like yourself could prove a worthy ally. But how will you prove your worth?" he asked as he raised Leonardo.
"I'll do whatever you ask." Leonardo replied.
Kiara could not believe her ears.
"Start by eliminating the source of this kingdom's downfall. Vermin that do not know their place." said Duhm as he pointed at Kiara.
She tried to speak but it was like her voice was taken from her.
"She has gained a liking of a god my Lord. She is more useful alive. I am a witness to her abilities. I have arcane ways to bend her will. I only ask you to let me use her before I end her."
Von Duhm simply smiled and turned back to face the portal.
"Then I will have to think of another way."
As he stepped into the portal with Abraxas and Darion the portal slammed closed letting everything return to normal. Leonardo waved his hands and muttered a few words as he ran to Kiara. Kiara could feel her voice coming back.
"Stay away you traitor!" she kept yelling as Leonardo tried to stand her up.
"What are you talking about? I'm on your side."
"King Droman died 78 years ago. I just had to test something."
"You seriously don't know the name of the current king?"
"No- Hey you are the one pledging allegiances. How did this turn on me?"
"Relax, I just wanted to see if this guy was for real. He is clearly crazy. He still thinks he lives while king Droman lives. We have to get in touch with the others and we have to tell the queen."
"How are we going to find the others? We are in the middle of nowhere."
Leonardo walked over and dug something under the snow.
"With this." He said as he showed his pin.

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