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The group appeared into a familiar interior as they appeared in Leonardo's tower. Immidiately as they appeared the invisible force stood near them ready to welcome them.
"Virgil, water and some towels." said Leonardo as books started flying near him.
"Let's get them on the sofa." he said as he was looking in the books, ruffling through the pages.
Melody helped Fullemntys move to the couch as Ravn'n looked around the peculiar household of his companion. Virgil reappeared after a couple of minute in front of them holding with one hand a wooden bucket filled with water and to the other some towels. Melody helped her husband lay down as she took one of the towels and begun cleaning his wounds. Kiara stood near the sofa, standing there, taking the enviroment in. The fireplace in front of them still burning. She touched her new scar in front of her without realizing. She could still feel the blade piercing her with extreme might and speed when she closed her eyes. But she did not allow herself to feel weakness, at least not in front of company.
"I don't suppose you have some Belyy Anarch somewhere around this place?" said Ravn'n as he sat in the armchair next to the sofa kicking his feet up on it.
Virgil seemed to approach the dragonborn with a bottle and a glass by his hands. Ravn'n watched as the items were coming to him and grabbed the bottle from Virgil's hand. Leonardo going through the pages of his books as he sent the ones he read back into his study. He felt a warm touch on his shoulder and turned around to see Kiara with a small smirk on her lips.
"I know this is what you do but how about a breather? Besides you still need to wear something." she said as she traced her finger down his naked torso.
Although his small posture he could feel his skin rough as it was, worked even.
"So you are not only a smart guy." she said as she turned playfully around to join the others.
Leonardo felt his heart beating faster for a moment. In all the craziness he forgot that he was mostly undecent. His cheeks turned a bit red as he told Virgil to prepare something for his guests to eat. He walked towards the stairs leading to the upper floor to his room. Melody sat there cleaning the blood off her husbands body only for Fullmentys's hand to meet her. His cold touch made her raise her eyes to see his pained face. His eyes filled with sorrow and regret. A pained smile decorated his lips as he tried to reach in for a kiss to his wife which she denied by moving her head away from him. Melody got up and gave him the towel to continue cleaning himself on his own. Kiara saw the tense moment and Melody walking away to the balcony doors and slowly walked over to her. Her jovial walked warned Melody of the company she was about to have as she opened the doors of the balcony. The smoke rising from the castle to the air still being able to be seen from afar. The voices of people yelling curse words on the knights flooding the streets, trying to maintain what small semblance of order remained. The dark clouds finally parting away revealing the sun. She placed her hands on the iron veranda taking the scenery inn. Her breath breaking up more than she would like, like a panic attack coming at her with ferociouss speed. Kiara slowly placed her hand on her back.
"Want to talk?" she said with a kind voice.
Melody turned around to face Kiara with a pale face. Her entire body shaking to the core.
"In all my travels I have written many songs. Once celebrating life, ballads about forgotten loves, hymns about fallen warriors. But nothing compares to the song we found in Jormugund. What if that man decides that the city had it last chance? What if we can't stop him? What if-"said Melody as Kiara interrupted her with a yawn.
"What if you had red skin, or a tail, or roots?" said Kiara.
Melody tilted her face to one side.
"You ask questions that you can't answer. You think too much at the same time, it's going to drive you insane. Let's go at this one thing at a time." said Kiara with a soft smile on her face.
Melody turned to face the city. The sun finally covering them again after what seemed to them a long time.
"How's your wound?" asked Melody.
"Well, I won't be able to go swimming for some time but I think I can manage." she said while laughing.
The two women shared a laugh as they looked at the city slowly returning to order.
"I can't speak for everyone but I don't blame you for leaving. I get why you did it. But I would be careful around Ravn'n." said Kiara as she turned around to see the dragonborn.
Ravn'n seemed to enjoy his bottle of alchohol as he drank it like it was water.
"I didn't have a say at what happened back there. I didn't realize until it was too late." said Melody with sadness in her voice.
"It wasn't right, leaving you behind like that."
"Well yes but I don't want you to feel bad." said Kiara.
"Besides, I'm sure he was scared too." she said as she looked at Fullmentys.
"That does not give him the right to make choises for me." said Melody
"I see." said Kiara as she struck her fingers.
"We should get inside and figure what whe are going to do." said Melody as she turned to head for the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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