Chapter 1- Meeting a Famous Gamer and a Family Member

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GoldSonic's POV

People say that Mondays are the worst day of each week. That may be true, but this week is different for me. Today is Monday, which means that there are only four days left until my big day. My Wedding day. Jason and I have already planed everything out and I have my dress ready thanks to my sister Irene for making it for me. I was ready, but I need some advise from Adam to make this day perfect.

I just got done with my duties as queen and I decided to talk to Adam about the wedding. Sure, I was excited, but I was also nervous. Not about me, but about Jason. I wanted to know if Adam was willing take Jason's side of the alter. He would be on my side because he's my brother Herobrine's son, but since Jason is getting married to a queen and is going to be part of the royal family of the Aether, I think it would be best to have Adam on Jason's side then mine. I will also have my girls on my side of the Alter.

I fly down to the overworld of Minecraftia and went to talk to Adam, but I suddenly felt a powerful force pulling me away from Adam's Kingdom. I look behind me and I see a portal that had the same shape like Equestria did, but it was a little less colorful. The force got stronger and I tried to pull away from it, but I couldn't.

"HELP!" I screamed, before I fell through the portal and I blacked out.

~Time Skip~

I wake up with a massive headache and blurry vision. Once I could think and see clearly, I saw that I was on dry ground, but I was alone. I sent message to Adam before I flew down to go to the kingdom so he know I was coming, but when he realizes that I don't some in an hour, he will know something is wrong and will search for me with everyone else. I taught him how to use his Brine powers and what to use them for. Hopefully, he notices soon.

I looked up from the ground and saw a giant city with a body of water nearby. I looked more and I saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Los Santos' in round letters. Wait, there is nothing round in Minecraftia, but I'm home anymore. The building were all rounded and curvy. I saw some citizens and they are not blocky, which I'm not blocky either. I saw a car past by and I saw my reflection. I was right I'm all curvy and round, but that's a problem I deal with later. I need to be calm and find my way back home. I guess my first place to look is the city of Los Santos, but it will real difficult because of how big it is.

Once I got in the city, it definitely isn't a nice city. People would give me looks that made uneasy. Some gave me looks of disgust and some gave me look that they want to have fun with me. (A/N: I think you know it means.) The last I need to live through is my high school days. I ignored all of the stares and glares and I suddenly heard gun shots in the distance while people are running away and screaming. I run the direction of the gun fire to check it out.

Once I got to the location of the gun fire, I saw that there were 8 guys with different weapons. (A/N: Basically, it's the Banana Bus Squad from GTAV, but I know one of them has not played with Vanoss' Crew in a while, so just pretend that this guy is still with them in this timeline.) I was very surprised and also freaked out by this group.

'How can these people have the guts to commit crimes in broad daylight. These people are crazy.' I thought. Soon, the police arrived on the scene and aim their guns at the criminals.

"Officer, what is going on? Who are those men?" I asked wanting to get some answers.

"Ma'am, please, stay back. If must know, the men you see are the most wanted criminals in Los Santos. We've been trying to catch them for years, but our men can't seem to get close to them." The officer said in a clam yet pissed tone. He really hated these guys. I was about to ask what I can do to help, but I saw one of the guys had a sniper in his hands ready to shoot the officer that was talking to me. The sniper had an Owl mask on him, covering his facial features. His companions hove something similar. Before he could shoot, I realized who it was. I got in front of the officer and I was going to try to stop him.

"Don't shoot! Stop killing the innocent!" I yell at the Owl mask guy. He looked at me and gasped. He lowered his gun and I could tell he knew me too.

"Mom?" He asked as if he was dreaming that I was there in front of his eyes.

"Yes, it's me, Evan Fong." I said in my motherly voice. (A/N: This is an AU of Vanoss' world. I never met him or related to him. This is all pretend, so don't take it seriously, please.) We both smiled and went toward each other until I had a sudden headache and I blacked out soon after.

Evan's (Vanoss) POV

I was about to run over to my mom and hug her until she fell forward and passed out. I went over to her and was wanting to wake her up. I was about to say something, but I saw her clothes slowly changing their colors. Instead of the yellowish and golden colors, they turned all shades of white and gray. When she opened her eyes, they were a smoky gray and her amulet was not red and instead it was a light black. Hair was the same, but instead of the crown, white flowers were all around in her hair.

"Mom, are you okay?" I ask hoping she's okay. She look up at me and chuckled a little.

"I'm fine, Evan. Also, I'm not really your actual mom. I'm just a different side of GoldSonic. I'm SoulSonic, the light side." She explained. He voice was light and soft, almost like an angel. She looked at my friends who were stunned and stopped of what they were doing.

"Should, I explain myself to my friends of how we knew each other?" I asked mo- I mean SoulSonic. She shook her head.

"You can explain to them later, but can you call them over. I want to talk to all of you about your crimes." She said in a serious tone, but it was still gentle and angel like. I called everyone over and they lowered their weapons. They came over and introduced themselves to her.

"It's nice to me you all. I wanted to tell to stopped committing crimes. Instead, I think that your skills have the ability to be made for good then bad. If you all work with the police, then you can still use your weapons. I only want you to use them on criminals that refuse to be arrested and nothing more and nothing bad." She explain and we understand what our duty is now. We can still use our weapons, but only for good. We agreed and promise to be good people now. She smiled and then she suddenly fainted. I caught her and her clothes went back to normal and when she opened her eyes, her eyes were back to emerald green. I told her what happened and she didn't mind the other side of her. Before I can get another word out to her, a portal came out nowhere and I assume that was her ticket back home.

"Make sure you come and visit, mom." I say to mom. She nodded and will be able to visit. She waved goodbye and walked to the portal to go home. Well, we both thought it was her home, but it was not.


If you don't know Evan Fong or Vanoss, then please check him out on YouTube (Search Vanoss Gaming) and watch his videos. Be aware that there is a lot of cursing in his videos, so watch his videos with cation and show him some love and support for VanossGaming.

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