Chapter 2

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I woke up disoriented. I looked around my surroundings. The slightest head movements caused pain to lace throughout my skull.
Damn... My head hurts. What happened?
Everything came rushing back...
"Urgh" I think I might have a concussion.
Fucking assholes knocked the shit out of me.
Uh. Where am I?
I tried observing my surroundings once more.
The room was filled with pitch black shadows. Where TF am I? I feel like crying. "Man fuck that". I groaned.

Alright I need an excape plan.. Hold up brain you moving too fast. Let me adjust a little-

"I see you're finally awake" a deep voice rasped.

"Nope I'm still sleeping". Damn. I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut.
He chuckled.

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"You waste no time getting to the point, I see" he replied dryly.

And here I thought he was nice.
Pffftt. I seriously need to keep my sarcastic ass in check.
I tried to stand up.

"Oh there's no need for moving about" he said. 

"Of course not." I muttered, I cleared my throat. "Umm... Excuse me. May I please be returned home? I think people will worry." I stated sweetly. Since he a complete stranger there's no need to irk him into killing me.

"No" he replied sternly.
Well... Okay...

"Then can you at least tell me where I am and why I'm here?" I said annoyed by him... Screw niceties. I need to get home.

"Why yes of course" he sighs. Why is he the one that sounds irritated? I'm the one who can barely move with a pulsing headache.

I looked aroud. It's still dark. "Well. Could you turn a light on, while you explain my situation to me?" I ask calmly. Eh! I sound demanding even to my own ears.
I hear shuffling. Then the lights came on.

I cringed. "Shit man. You trying to blind me?" I cursed.

"Sorry" he says. Sounding everything but. The ass.

The room looked like a chemistry classroom lab. With expensive looking equipments- Wait hold on. Wasn't I naked when I got kidnapped?...

I looked down and sighed in relief.
Well it seemed someone was nice enough to put me in a dress-Yuck. Well atleast I'm not butt naked-

"Better?" Strange man asked.

I looked up. Ugh... Why did psycho have to be hot.
Hmm. Nice strong jaw line. Muscular lean body... That's bout to be a problem for me. He's not as scrawny as that creep Rob... I laughed to myself. It seemed that hit moved something vital in my brain- I'm sitting here thinking about hotness when I should be trying to escape.

Speaking of. Where was that so called 'Rob'? Eh! Not my concern. One less obstacle to get over.

"Is it Better?"psycho shouted.

"No. I'm still somewhere I do not wish to be, not to mention I have a splitting headache." I glared.

He sneered. Ew! He has some nasty fanged looking thing going on.

"Eh. Man you alright. I don't think it's halloween yet." I recoiled. Wtf is wrong with him?

He smiled. All teeth. "Hmm.. Well I-"
The door crashed open.
What was he about to say?

Something walked in.
It growled. I looked. "Is that a fricking tiger?" I shrieked.

Psycho laughed. I scrabbled back in terror. Eheh! I'm gonna die. Eaten fucking alive. What has my life come to? I had always wanted to die peacefully, not ripped to shreds...

Breathe... A voice in my head said. Do not show it fear, or it will think you are prey.
"Easy for you to say." I muttered. The beast paused it's slow pursuit... Eh? as if it could understand me.
It looked at me.
I glared at it.
I swear the thing smiled. Wtf? Is that even possible? It turned and left the room. TF?
Psycho gaped at me.

"What the hell?" I started to freak out. Where's that voice when I need it?

"You tell me" he looked at me with some sort of awe-I wonder why?

"So what now?" I ask.

He grinned his toothy grin. And walked out. The ass.
I scrambled up. And rushed to the door. Locked. "Madafucka" I cursed... The jerk.

Kay. Time to get out of here. I studied my environment once again. Something caught my eye. I turned back around to meet a pair of golden eyes.
I Sighed. Just my luck.

"So. You're just going to stand here and stare at me?" I asked.

He blinked. I repeated the action. How did he even get in here? I'm at the point in my life where it wouldn't surprise me if he had just appeared out of thin air.
You know what, let me back up.
I shook my head and walked backwards all the way into strong arms.
My eyes widened. I screamed and kicked.

Stupid me. I shouldn't have blinked

"Shhh. Calm down" a deep voice ordered. I bet it's the guy that was once in front of me.

I trembled. "How did you do that?" I asked.
He chuckled, making his chest rumble at my back - it was sexy as hell...
Damn. If I don't get murdered in this place, hormones are going to kill me.
Oohh. He feels nice too.
I calmed.
He flexed then released me. I quickly turned and aimed for his throat.
And failed -of course I would.

Fuck... He caught my fist. And smirked. "Feisty little thing aren't you". His hazel eyes sparkled.

I gulped. "I try". I wanted to cry at my stupid answer and at the fact that my life is now officially over.

I think he saw my hopeless look because his gaze softened. "I'm not going to hurt you" he said.

"Then let me go" I struggled.

"What? So you can attack again?" He smirked... The ass.

"No. I just need to-" I stopped myself. I don't even know this man. He could be one of them for all I know.

"You just need to what?" He shook me.

Think! Tonia. Think!
Wait a minute. "Why am I even here?" I asked him as he griped my arms.

"I guess you'll have to find out." He looked me up and down for emphasis.

I gasped. "What? But this makes no sense."

He smirked. "Not to you." The nerve.

"Then explain." I argued.

"Are you sure? You might faint from bewilderment." He said sarcastically.

I snorted. "Fine don't explain. Just let go of me, you cocky bastard."

"Whatever you say princess." He looked at me mockingly.

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