Chapter 3

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"Princess?" I echoed struggling  in his grasp.

"Stop fucking squirming, you're giving me ideas." He growled. I tensed. His body rumbled with suppressed laughter.

"What do you want with me?" I whispered. This can't get worst. First the tiger, now this wierd man-child.

I sighed in frustration. He smiled. "For you to calm down and behave." He said.

"Then what?" Oh God. What is he going to do to me?

"Then we get down to business." He looked into my eyes with his burning hazel ones.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What business?"

"Well, aren't you just curious?" He asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Answer the question." I hissed.

He chuckled. "And demanding". I kicked him in the shin. He flinched and groaned; still gripping my arms. "Damn you violent little-". I kicked him again on the same leg. "Humph."
I twisted out of his grasp. Trying to dash towards the closed window. He caught me after my first two steps towards the window. Frig! I need to get away from this horrid place.

"Let go". I struggled. His grip tightened on reflex. "Ow" I cried.

He cleared his throat. "Not again." he muttered. Not again? What is he mumbling about?-

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing just shut up and stop being a bitch." he says more firmly leading me towards the door.

I gulped. "Where are we going?" I whispered.

"Out". He said curtly pulling me towards the door. I looked at him. Really look at him this time. And he's hot, like the perfect ten hot. I stared at him -drooling of course, and felt a prick of recognition. How can that be? I've never met him before. Have I? I don't remember seeing him before.

I shook my head to clear the emotional gibberish running through it. "Man, Why should I go with you? I don't even know you." I reply angrily.

His lips pressed in a thin line at my words. "Of course you don't remember". He mumbled tightening his grip on my arm.

"Remember?-" I started to question, but the crashing in of the door stopped me. What's with these people and their grand entrances?

My neighbour, Brent walked in. Ugh. What's he doing here? Maybe he can talk them into letting me go.
I breathe a sigh of relief. "Brent! oh thank God. You have to get me out of here-" he laughs in my face. My relief is short lived. I frowned, Something's wrong.

"Oh please, as if... You'll never leave here until we tell you. You belong to us now Tonia." he sneered.

I blanched. Who's us? "I belong to no one." I mentally applaud myself for my guts.

He just chuckled. "Why of course you do darling. You're the institute's now." He hissed.

Beside me pretty eyes tensed and growled at him. "No" he growled lowly. Brent paled. Umm... Why does the possession of me matter so much?

"Hey! I'm not some object." I protested. They both glared at me. "Assholes." I muttered under my breath. They both sent eye-daggers my way... Way to go Tonia, drag all the attention to you. If I wasn't such a coward I would punch myself in the throat.

Brent started to walk menacingly in our direction at the corner of the room. I backed up against the window... I was now behind the guy who was once beside me, using him as a shield. He didn't even glance in my direction - must be used to damsels in distress. I looked over his shoulder towards the door. Outside looked like some sort of passage that was dimly illuminated. So I guess we're in a school of some sort.

Brent advanced on us, came to a stop infront of my human shield, and tried to glare him down. Which was literally impossible since Brent was about 6' And hazel eyes was around 6'3... I glanced at the both of them, I could feel the tension in the room. My brain told my mouth we needed to live, so it should keep itself shut. I'm happy it finally decided to listen to my brain.
The tension in the room grew to a testosterone battle. My eyes darted towards the door, I swallowed to moisten my dry throat.

"Step aside, Jeremy. This is not your bus-." Brent didn't even get to finish his sentence, because of Jeremy's grip around his neck. My eyes widened in horror, then I realised Brent is an asshole.
I slowly inched towards the door. Brent's eyes started to bulge as Jeremy's muscles strained against his shirt. He lifted Brent by the throat with a growl.  I shivered, from terror? -I don't even know. I tiptoed closer to the door, and glanced at the men in the room. Brent's eyes were shifting towards me and back, as if in warning -fucking snitch. I gave him a glare that read: I hope he kills you... I dashed out of the room as silently as I possibly could, which wasn't at all since I stubbed my pinky toe on the way out... I held in a scream and ran as fast as I could with a limp. As I made it to the end of the school-like hallway, I heard a frustrated. "Fuck!"

I saw a window with a chair placed conveniently beside it -maybe Jesus still loves me. I grabbed the chair and without conscious thought, slammed it into the window. An alarm went off, I heard people running towards me. In a mode of complete panic, I didn't have the patience to look at the scenery outside. I just climbed into the window frame and preped myself up to land with minimum damage.
I sent a silent prayer and jumped.

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