Chapter 4

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On my way out the window, something hooked into the collar of my dress, almost strangling me in the process. I let out a small squeak. Strong arms pulled me back through the window, as if I was light weight.
On my way back through I felt something sharp prick my side. I cried out in pain. "You prick." I hissed at the asshole, who both saved and damaged me.

"Yeah, well this prick just saved your life." Jeremy replied.

"And damaged my fucking side." I muttered, still in pain.

He smirked. "Well, had you successfully jumped. You would have damaged more than your fucking side." He said hunched over my head.

"No I wouldn't-."  He pointed for me to look out the window. I gave him a look that said: 'do I look like I can move?'... He rolled his beautiful eyes and gripped my shoulders, pulling me up gently in a sitting position- I winced. When I finally had a glimpse of outside, my eyes widened. It was a yard filled with torn bushes of the sharpest kind. "I don't know whether to kiss you for saving my life just now or to punch you in the throat for making it worst." I grumbled.

He winked at me. "How about that kiss." He said, as I slowly faded from consciousness. I was about to tell him to kiss my ass, but, before I could respond I blacked out.

I was in a deep forest with thick trees surrounding me. They was so much forestation it made the areas around me seem dark. "Creepy." I whispered to myself as I slowly turned and looked around me.
I paused as I saw glowing yellow eyes staring at me from behind a huge bush. Whatever it was softly purring to itself as if contemplating how to devour me. I shook with fear - What should I do? I stood frozen as I thought over my best option...
Run! But if I do I'll get caught and eaten...
And if you stand here, you'll be easy food! My legs seemed to have agreed with the logical part of my brain. The next thing I knew I was being stalked by a beast I was too afraid to look at. I could tell it was humongous by the way it shook the earth. I was deeply offended by the fact that it didn't run after me, it simply walked behind me, as if I wasn't worth the effort. I threw those dreadful thoughts aside, trying to pick up speed. No wonder the thing's not chasing you, you're moving as fast as a tree slug... My mind is such a bitch sometimes, but she was right. I felt like I was moving through jell-o.
I made the mistake of trying to look at the beast. I went face-first-flat on the ground with the beast pinning my shoulders. I tried to wiggle from under it; but it growled in my ear earning a petrified version of me. I tried to scream but couldn't. The only thing I succeeded in doing was to make myself look like a gaping fish I'm sure.
The thing started to give my side a long lick, making me wonder why my skin was so exposed. It slowly licked my side with it's long rough tongue. Strangely enough it was comforting. I relaxed to let it continue it's caress.
I screamed when it bit into my side...
Then I woke up.

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