Part 32

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Johnny quickly went inside after Gavin

"Hey!" He shouted after after Gavin

Gavin turned round to face him, "Look, thanks for finding my hoodie... but kindly fuck off and stop following me."

"Get in there." Johnny said, pointing to the boy's locker room next to him

"Uh... no. I'm not going into a locker room alone with a guy that's following me." Gavin said

"Fine." Johnny said before he picked Gavin up over his shoulder

"Put me down, asshole!" Gavin shouted, trying to get down from Johnny

Johnny carried him into the locker room and locked the door before he put Gavin down

"Stay away from me! Or I swear to god, I will scream rape!" Gavin shouted, quickly moving back from Johnny

"Fine! I'll stay away! I wanna talk to you!" Johnny said

"What about?! I've never seen you in my life!"

"Kara." Johnny said and Gavin's face dropped

"You're insane. My name's Gavin!"

"You know who I'm talking about."

"Mrs Ryans? What has she got to do with anything?!" Gavin shouted "I don't even know your name!"

"It's Johnny." Johnny told him "And for nearly a year... me and Kara have been having an affair."

Gavin glared at him, "You're a liar!" He yelled

"I'm not. I thought Kara loves me."

"Well, she doesn't! She loves me!" Gavin shouted

"And she says that? What else does she say?!"

"That she's in love with me! She wants to spend her life with me, marry me one day!"

"She's been saying the exact same things to me all year!" Johnny told him "She's a liar! And a pedophile!"

"No, she's not! She is not a pedophile! We're in love!" Gavin shouted

"If she was so in love with you, she wouldn't have spent the weekend getting fucked by me!"

Gavin's eyes watered "No... she bought me this!" He shouted before pulling a chain from under his shirt, the same one Kara bought Johnny

"Yeah... and she bought me the exact same thing." Johnny said, pulling the chain round his neck and breaking the clasp and he threw it on the floor "Just see it, Gavin... we've both been lied to. Been manipulated. Been used."

Gavin sat on the bench as he started crying

"Look... I know this whole thing... it's confusing and complicated." Johnny said before he sat next to him

"I love her." Gavin cried

"So do I. But she doesn't love us."

"How did.. how did you and her start?" Gavin asked

"About a year ago. She was tutoring me, at my house, at her house. I got close to her family.. I let Mr Ryans manipulate me and... and rape me."

"That was you? The boy he- he did that stuff to?"

"Yeah. That was me. And I'm an idiot. I let Arthur manipulate me... now I've let Kara do the same thing. They're both rapists."

"Kara's not a rapist! She never forced me to do anything!" Gavin yelled

"You're 14! You've been having sex with her since you were 13! A 30 year old woman... having sex with a 13 yr old boy. That's rape, it's statutory rape." Johnny told him "What did she do?"

The Affair- Johnny OrlandoWhere stories live. Discover now