Saving Her♡MomoTodo

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"Shoto, just let me go before you fall with me!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed as her heart pounded in her chest while fresh tears welled up in her eyes. Her hair flowed having been set free hours ago.

On the top of the UA roof, the two students were one hanging off of the edge the other trying his best to pull her up. Villains currently were attacking the school hundreds of thugs working with the league. Neither could tell you how they got into this position at the moment, but now Shoto had a firm grasp on Momo's arm attempting to pull her up. Unfortunately, to his sore body, the girl was taller and weighed more not only that but the class had just finished training and were already exhausted. Behind Shoto stood a blonde villain who watched amusingly as the boy struggled to pull his best friend up.

"Momo, you know I can't do that!" He replied as his heart ached at the thought of losing the girl.

"You can't pull me up either, so please let go and escape! Whatever happens, it'll all be okay!" She countered noticing the pale boy's grip failing as she began to slip.

Tears broke the barrier Todoroki had placed up as they ran down his cheeks, the hot liquid dripping down onto the olders cheek catching her attention. Her eyes widened as she stared into the bi-colored eyes of the youngest Todoroki. His brows furrowed as he tried his best to keep his grip strong and stop himself from being pulled forward, although it was proving to be a struggle.

"Please," his voice was shaky as his fear was evident in it, "I can't let you go, not after everything we've been through, I beg of you give me your other hand! I can't lose you, especially not like this! I love you so much, okay? So please don't leave me. I want you, I want you so bad." He had finally said it this wasn't exactly the circumstance he wanted, but he had finally gotten past his fear and told her.

Momo stopped in her tracks she thought for a moment, could her feelings truly have been returned? Take his hand he needs you, and you need him. Don't be selfish he's begging you. Without a second thought, she grasped his other hand and began to use the side of the building as an object to walk on while Shoto pulled her up once more this time it worked. YaoMomo had a dislocated arm that had the possibility of rendering her in battle, but she wouldn't let it affect her. Taking a fighting stance with the male beside her they faced their enemy, panting from the previous fight. Lunging towards the two the blonde swung her knife, though the idea didn't seem too bright in the minds of the younger teens. Himiko swiped her weapon jabbing it into the raven-haired girl already damaged arm who wasn't fast enough to fully dodge.

"Now!" Toga exclaimed as the two teens were still in the movement of splitting up in order to escape her attack.

Before one could process what was about to go down, two portals opened one blocking the way Yaoyorozu was dodging towards while the other did the same for Shoto. It was already too late to stop herself, through one portal then out the other went Momo causing her to slam into Todoroki sending into the one she had entered. Swiftly turning her back to Toga who paid no mind only staring into the sky with a satisfied smile, meanwhile the 16-year-old could not find her peppermint boy, as a matter of fact, the portal behind her vanished. Frantically, allowing her eyes to search the area they finally landed on the male who was currently falling to his death a new portal must have dropped him off there. Quickly approaching the edge she reached a hand out to the dual boy who was just passing by his handheld out in an attempt to grab hers. Unfortunately, she couldn't catch him their fingertips brushed together as the younger continued to fall to his doom.

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