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I am in a place where I shouldn't be. A place where happiness is not allowed. A place where a person can't find peace.

In front of me is Spencer's tombstone. A loving son, it says.

But something is not right. It looks like the grave has been dug up. As if someone has stolen my beloved.

A branch not far from me snaps. Someone is coming. My heartbeat is deafening to my own ears. I am scared.

I look behind me and there he is. Glorious as one can ever be. Spencer reaching out his hand to me. Lips slightly parted, he mouths my name.

I start to move towards him but a wall of thorns suddenly bursts from the ground between us and rose up to the clouds. He is gone. Gone like the wind; like he never existed in the first place.

I cry. That is the only thing I can do right now. I close my eyes and start to cry.

I open them again to see that I am no longer in the cemetery. I am in a garden full of blooming roses.

I see Ash making his way towards me. The sky behind him is dark, the flowers wither as he passes by, the grass dying as he steps on them.

He reaches his hand out to me. As I am about to take it, Spencer suddenly appears in chains behind me. Thrashing and yelling but it seems like there's no sound coming out of his mouth.

Ash reaches me, pulls me towards him and plants a kiss on my lips. The very moment that he did, Spencer starts to wither away like the plants. I scream.

Ash holds me tightly and plants another kiss. I can't resist.

I start to kiss him back. And then the next thing I know, I am drowning in darkness.


I wake up panting and sweating. Aunt Mindy rushes in to my room a few minutes after I woke up. She comes in and turns on the light still dressed in her night gown.

"Are you okay?" She asks, concern clearly seen in her eyes.

"Just a bad dream that's all." I respond. It was more likely a nightmare. A nightmare I could not quite understand. What are the true meaning behind dreams? What was the point of me having that nightmare? I never had nightmares. Never.

Aunt Mindy lets out an exasperated sigh. "Thank goodness."

"I'm fine Aunt Mindy. Just go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"That's fine dear. Just tell me what I can do to help." On that note, she closes the door behind her.

I'm scared to close my eyes again. Scared to relive the dream. I get up and look at the clock. Its only 4:42am. It's a good thing there's no school today since its a saturday.

I grab my robe and start heading towards the kitchen to prepare some tea. That's when I notice a single red rose full of thorns on top of a pile of dead leaves.

I gasp and carefully throw the rose outside the window.

What is happening to me?

Pricked by a ThornDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora