Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford

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{Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford}

Likes- Change that to things I love please! I absolutely love my dear fiance Ciel, and my dear cousin and sister in law Helicie. Although they both can be very difficult at times I love Aunt Ann, my mother, my father, and my big brother! I love all beautiful frilly and cute ruffled victorian dresses, and lady antoinette dresses, I love big bows especially, and roses and flowers! Milk, cookies, cake, and tea are delightful! Especially when I'm having tea time with Helci~ I love playing fun games like ring around the rosie, miss mary mack, london bridge is falling down, tag, and hide and seek! I love to dress up, and make everything look magnifecent and cute! Especially when I have others to play with aswell! I love to set up family fun events, like Easter egg hunts~ I decorate them to look lovely myself. I love new and elegant tea sets, like the one's that I have at my home. I love teddy bears, dollie houses and...there's just so much things to name! Oh, let me not forget Paula either!

Dislikes- Dislike? Let's see...there's not much that I dislike, but the things I do dislike are more of the things that I really really really don't like. Hate is a strong word, let's not use that shall we. But here are certain people that I don't very like...aswell. One being, sorry Helci, but  my cousins fiancé. Another thing...very cull colors that don't stand out at all and are unnattractive. Especailly the color black. It's so intimidating and a bit scary..much like how Ciel and Heci's butler was when I first met him. But he's very nice and a fine gentleman!

Unsure: What I am unsure about...that strange man that seems awfully familliar...he wears lots of red and looks absoultey beautiful in it, if I may say so myself. But for some reason he reminds me of Aunt Ann's butler....

Hobbies: Dress up, Playing games, having tea, visiting the manor atleast once or twice a week. Hmm actually visiting as much as I can, it's polite.

Favourite color: Mainly pink but other than that I would also go for any color that's bright, pretty, and cute. I hate the color black, I don't fancy Ciel's butler in that color either. That's why I gave him a wonderful pink hat~

Age: 14

Date of birth: January 1st eeep~

Nationality/Race: British, French, English

Location: Midford Manor

Affiliation: Phantomhive, Barnett

Relationships: I've practically said most of them, but I'll just say it again incase you forget! Aunt Angelina, my fiancé Ciel, my cousin Helicie, my passed uncle Vincent Phantomhive, my passed Aunt Rachel Phantomhice, my father Alexis Leon Midford, my moher Frances Midford, my brother Edward Midford, and my grandmother Claudia Phantomhive! Oh..and Alois trancy...

Associates: Phantomhives, Barnett, Dalles

Thoughts: If you're wondering why I don't like Alois Trancy, it's because he's a jerk and hurt my sister's feelings. 

Extra note: Tell Ciel that I love him~

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