Mafia Love Series

9.9K 48 3

By: reetilicious

Status: Three completed books, one ongoing book, all are mature.

Reads for Book 1: 2.9M [7/19/2021]

Read Time for Book 1: 13h 27m



1) Mia Regina

2) Escort Me Baby (You can skip this book, but I highly recommend that you don't!)

3) Mio Re

4) Amore Mio


Summary for Mia Regina:

"Arie," he whispered, his smile dropping as he closed the distance between us. "I'm sor..." 

 My right hand met his left cheek brutally, stopping all that he had to say. "How dare you?" I hissed, landing another smack on the same spot. "How could you do this to me?" I raised my hand up again to place another one, but he caught my wrist before I could do so. 

 "Plan your next move very carefully," he spoke in a low, belligerent tone tightening his grip on my wrist, daring me to slap him again. Pain jolted from the area, forcing tears to sting at the corner of my eyes. 

 "Or what?" I scowled at him. 

 "You don't want to find out." He took a step closer, staring into my eyes. "And don't tempt me!"


Today was the day it all started. Everything began to fall apart. It twisted me, threw me against the wall, and ripped my sanity and innocence to shreds. I never thought I'd go through it, but there I was in the middle of it all.

Arie Noelle is a wise, strong-willed girl with a good heart, but a misfortunate incident leading up to others tears her apart. What happens when she finds herself on the radar of Leo Bonferroni, a ruthless mafia leader hiding behind the mask of a sexy tycoon, who is not only intrigued but also smitten by her? 

However, they begin to change each other, molding into something else. She does things she never dreamt of doing. He places the world at her feet, but will she accept it or kick it away in fear? 

The rising tension between the two kills her inside, but will she give into the sexy temptation walking around with an irresistible smirk that mushes her into a puddle? 

Will they ever find her destroyer or will she end up on the noose herself?



These books was just... WOW!! The plots was amazing, and I never saw things coming. This takes some time to read, but I guarantee that it will keep you hooked! 

I also really hope this gets published once finished!


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