Claimed by the Sicilian Mafia

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By: jspruill1130

Status: Complete

Awards: Ranked #2 in action-romance category on 9-26-20, Ranked #1 in Mafia on 1-5-21, Ranked #1 in action-romance on 1-7-21

Reads: 2.6M [7/1/2021]

Read Time: 4h


Adalina Romano is tired of being manipulated by the men in her life. 

First, her greedy uncle drags her half way around the world and forces her smack dab in the middle of an outlandish deal between him and the heir to Sicily's largest mafia, the Cosa Nostra. 

Now, she finds herself in the clutches of a man who makes her uncle look like a saint. She shouldn't be attracted to the monster she was forced to marry, but she can't avoid his unforgiving stare, deny the electrical charge she feels when they touch or the dangerous invitation she sees in his eyes. She soon discovers another side to Vincent Salvatore, because he slipped, letting her see a spark of light in his darkness and now that she's had a taste, she only wants more. 

When Vincent first saw Adalina, all he saw was another obstacle in his path, but when she gets caught in the crosshairs of a war of dominance and greed, he has no choice but to keep what belongs to him safe. The need to protect her soon becomes his obsession, but amid one of the biggest deals of his life, protecting her means going against everything he has been taught, but for her, consequences be damned.



This is a faster paced book than I usually read but I found I really enjoyed it! 


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