Morelli Mafia Series

2.6K 12 4

By: vayathorn

Status: Four complete, Two coming soon, All mature. 

Reads for Book 1: 1.1M [7/19/2021]

Read Time for Book 1: 14h 6m

Awards: Available to buy on Amazon



1) Believing in Fate

2) Accepting Fate

3) Fulfilling Fate

4) Cruelly Fated*

5) The Players Fate**

6) Double-Dealing Fate**

*Cruelly Fated is side-story about a side character

**The Players Fate and Double-Dealing Fate are books about side characters backstories. They haven't been released yet. 


Summary for Believing in Fate:

It is said your fate is sealed at infancy, love, happiness, and sorrow. 

Asimina Alexiou is impulsive, brave, vibrant, and independent. She finds herself with unwanted attention. She sought help from her cousin, a man that is nothing less than a brother. However, Petro has secrets of his own that will land Asimina in the hands of one Capo dei capi Raffaele Dante Morelli. 

Raffaele the crime boss of the biggest mafia family across the States and Europe. His inner cycle of men are in positions such as underboss and capos running extensive drug and gun operations throughout multiple sectors. Raffaele's training has prepared him well, for a life of crime. However, none of that training will be of any use to him, when he's dealing with one Asimina Alexiou. 

Can you love a man but steer clear and overlook the occupation? Is his dark, dangerous, and domineering personality too much to stomach? Or can you love the man, embrace the occupation and become as dark, dangerous as the lover you have chosen?



Passion. Love. Lust. Erotic. Violence. Crime. Strong female lead. 

This is what I love about this book!


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