Chapter 3

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Chapter contains mentions of character death and Mpreg.

Not proof read. Please forgive any mistakes. I apologize for any grammatical errors. Also note that this is a fanfiction, there will be things that are different from the anime itself.
I also apologise for my amateur writing.
Characters may be OOC.
I do hope this met your expectations.


Disclaimer: This fic is for entertainment purposes only, i do not own any of the characters


He scratched the back of his head nervously, "Yes. . . son?"

Then like a flip of a switch he narrowed his eyes at them, "Is that a problem?"

Shirley spluttered and waved about her hands, "No. No problem, just . . . did you cheat on Lulu?"

Suzaku raised his eyebrow at her, "Shirley, I mean this in the nicest way possible. . . What the fuck are you talking about?"

Kallen cleared her throat, "What she means is that you said your son and well Lelouch can't get pregnant so . . . Whose child is it?"

She shifted her gaze away from Suzaku and Cornelia as she asked the other question, "Was it Euphemia's?"

Cornelia was red with anger at Suzaku if it was true and Kallen for implying such a thing.

"I assure you my son isn't Euphemia's. Also Kallen you are a brilliant girl. . . What suddenly happened to your brain?" 

"Excuse me?! What's that's supposed to mean!", she exclaimed. 

He turned to her rather unamused, "Meaning where would Euphemia and I get to time to conceive a child and when do you think she had the chance to give birth? She died a few months after we met"

The atmosphere in the room was now tense. 

Kallen felt very guilty for bringing up Euphemia but she was genuinely curious. 

She turned bowed slightly to Cornelia,  Nunnally and Schneizel, "I sincerely apologize for bringing up painful memories. . .I was honestly just curious. I didn't mean to cause any of you pain" 

Nunnally gave her a small smile while Cornelia hesitantly nodded, "It's okay Kallen. You didn't mean any harm."

"I know but it was still wrong of me to insinuate that. . ."

"And I'm sorry Suzaku-"

Suzaku just waved her off, "It's okay. I get why you though it would offend me but it's not like I loved Euphie like that anyways"

"You didn't?", Cornelia questioned, "But I thought-"

He shook his head in denial, "I see how many people thought I did especially when I became her Knight but I loved her like I did Nunnally. The only one for me was Lelouch. There were many assumptions due to how I acted with her. But it was because I took my job as her knight very seriously and also because she was a precious friend and Lelouch's little sister. She did confess to me at a point but I turned her down because it didn't feel right to me. That didn't ruin our friendship however, she wished me luck and accepted it. We stayed close friends after that."

Many persons in the room nodded in understanding. 

After that they fell into another silence.

"So I'm confused then. Whose child is it then? Did you guys adopt", asked Gino who seemed to be racking his head.

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