Author's Note

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Hello. No, I'm not discontinuing this, in case you were worried about that. I have a story map planned out for where to go, so I'm not planning on giving up on this story any time soon. 

So, I'm mainly doing this update because it has been a while. Like 2 months, if I'm not mistaken. I have been way too busy to even write a whole ass chapter of anything. I'm in a creative writing course. So because I'm writing all the time, I have like no creative juices left for these stories. I'm sorry that the chapter after this will be a lot shorter than the others. I'm trying to work out that whole work-life balance right now because I am always working, but nothing is actually ever getting done and I'm somehow also failing at every aspect of it. 

I have basically given up and written something short and unfinished to maybe satisfy the one person that still seems to care about what's going on in my world. Again, I apologize for being caught up in life shit. I'll try to be more consistent in updating this story, but no promises. I might post other creative projects I've worked on in what little free time I did have these past 2 months. Just don't necessarily expect chapters to be written consistently for a while. Maybe I'll be able to write more consecutively over the summer.

Also, I've had this account for over a year now. Damn, time flies. Can't believe I started this account over a year ago. I've written way less than I intended in that time. My original goal was to have like 10 stories completed. I don't know how I thought that'd work, but being that my first story was written in like 3 days, I must have been on something else back then.

That's it for now, expect the next chapter to be short and come out in like less than a minute.

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