Pop Goes the Weasel

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2D's Pov, just in case you forgot.

"He's been out for 4 days!"

I just shrug at Russel. Isn't that normal? Maybe Russel has been purposefully ignoring where Murdoc is, but he does this all the time. There's no way Russel hasn't noticed. Murdoc will leave for about a week without a trace, and just show back up one day like everything was normal. It never really bothered me. After all, Murdoc usually seemed almost eerily calm whenever he first came back. And one less day getting beat up by Murdoc was better for me.

"You're not gonna help me find him 'D?"

"Why should I? It's like I said, he's out."

"Out where, though? There's either something you ain't telling me, or you don't know and never bothered to ask."

"Oh, you're right Russel, silly me! I should question my abuser where he disappears off to instead of staying here and abusing me. That'll definitely go over well."

"Alright, 'D fair point, I'm sorry. It's just weird that he disappears outta nowhere without leaving at least a note."

I lied. Of course I know where he goes. The first time I saw him leave back when we lived in the apartment. He goes to Hell. I think he owes something to the Devil, it was too boring to follow. But still, I did lie to him. I wonder if he really does think this is a new phenomenon.

"You do realize this isn't the first time he's done this, right? He does this like once every month or so. Been doing this since I met him."

"Really? How come I didn't notice before? And you're sure he's never told you why he leaves?"

Well, I might as well make something up to cover for you, Murdoc. Otherwise Russel will question you for hours, and then I'll be your punching bag.

"I think he said some offhand comment about visiting a friend of his one time. Maybe he's got a friend who cares about enough to visit once a month."

"You know, I do remember him saying something about a close friend. It does seem odd to leave and visit once a month unannounced. Maybe he did tell us a while ago. Still, it's strange that we never got to meet this friend of his."

"Maybe that's a good thing. It is Murdoc's friend. I don't think I'd want them to be an influence on Noodle. We already are bad enough influences as is."

"I guess so. I still might ask him about it. Just to know, y'know?"

"Okay, suit yourself. I'd rather just leave Murdoc to be Murdoc."

Not a fair comment on my end, being that I was actually the one with more knowledge in this situation, but I don't want to be involved in this conversation any longer. It's 10 pm, so Murdoc will be home in 2 hours. He only ever stays in Hell for 5 days to the dot, and I heard him leave at exactly midnight that first day. Chances are he'll come home drunk on something, since last month he hadn't partied and it seems to alternate each visit. I have to leave out a cushion for when he stumbles through the portal.

"I'm going upstairs. I have to tune Murdoc's bass, since he never bothers to and it sounds awful."

"Wait, you're the one who always tunes it? Man, you can't keep doing stuff for him. He's gotta do some things by himself. He doesn't control you 'D."

"Actually, he kinda does. He's the only reason I have a job. Or the life I do right now, for that matter. And this is far better than being wedlocked and working at a piano store. Because of Murdoc, we all have a platform to show people an anti-discriminatory and honest band. We are open about nor being perfect, while also widening our fans for the type of diversity in people and music. So I'd rather have to tune the man's bass than lose an opportunity like this."

"Dent's... I never thought about it like that. I'm going to my room. I need to comprehend what you just said."

I wave as he leaves. Finally, now I can put a pillow on Murdoc's floor. That took way too long to get out of that conversation. I should start with the pillow, and then grab the rest of the things Murdoc will need when he gets back. I also have to put Noodle to bed. That'll take a while, so I shouldn't have to wait around too long. Damn, headache is coming back. Well, I should get started before things get bad and I'm useless.

First, to deal with Noodle. Enter her room, if she's playing video games you might die. Opening the door, I see that she is just watching anime. Well, that'll be a little bit easier.

"Hey Noodle... bedtime. After... wa owaru." (episode ends)

Noodle looks at me confused for a moment, then she seems to kind of understand what I meant by that. She turns off the television though.

"Toochie, watashi tomeru."

Now, I never understand japanese very well. But she said simpler sentences to me so that I did understand what she was saying. Even though sometimes I think she's probably shortening things to the point that they don't form full sentences in japanese. She said something along the lines of 'I will stop now' in this instance.

"Thanks Noodle."

She climbs into bed, and I tuck her in lightly, turning off the light as I look at her 1 last time before I shut the door quietly. There's no way she's actually asleep. In fact she'll most likely go back to the tv as soon as I seem far enough away from her room. But at least I warned her of what she should be doing, so maybe she'll be asleep by midnight.

Next, I need to place down that pillow in Murdoc's room. Which first means I have to clean Murdoc's room. This'll be fun.

I enter, cautious not to break bottles as I walk in. He really does keep every single bottle he drinks, doesn't he. All I have to do is clean up the broken glass and any of the ones that clearly don't have sentimental value to him. So really any that don't have lyrics on them. Shouldn't be that hard. After about 30 whole minutes of just going through bottles, I think I've weeded out a majority of the unimportant ones and all of the broken glass. I place all of the important bottles onto his nightstand and on his dresser, and begin picking up used cigarettes. After that's done, the floor is mostly clean. I check the clock. 11:30.

I make his bed and head downstairs. It only takes 15 minutes to heat the water, so I make Murdoc's tea extra hot, just in case I'm a little early on time. 7 sugars, and I'm done. I swiftly grab some ibuprofen from the cabinet, and head back up to Murdoc's room. 11:55. Well that's good, at least I'm not late. In the meantime I have to sit on the floor though. I start humming to pass time quicker. Murdoc, don't make this the first time ever that you're late.

The clock hits midnight, and the room begins to give off a reddish glow.

Author's note:

Well this next chapter is gonna be fun to write. :) I'll probably write it tomorrow, but right now my computer needs to charge, and I need to probably sleep. I've been watching Hunter x Hunter all day to procrastinate on writing this chapter, and now I'm procrastinating on sleep by writing this chapter. I'll probably sleep in tomorrow to procrastinate on watching the show, so it'll all come full circle.

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