Beck and Call

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He pulled me to the bed. Taking off his jeans and underwear, I felt weirdly safe. In all other sexual situations I've been in in the past, I've often felt vulnerable, but never in a good way. This felt different. I was immediately out of my thoughts when I felt his hands around my cock. He began to stroke it, getting moans from me, which I presume was going to happen a lot. My body wanted more, like a glass not yet full.

I felt myself become needier and needier. "Murdoc... please..."

He went quicker with his hand, as if he knew exactly what I was asking for. I basked in pleasure, letting out what I'm sure could be described as girlish moans. Pressure buildup in me released all at once, and I came. Orgasming felt so good, and I don't know if it's just because I'm pent up or if it's because of Murdoc's weird sexual powers.

I still didn't feel fully satisfied. I looked up at Murdoc, eyes half lidded, giving him a slight smile. He looked down at me. A smirk grew across his face. "If you want something, just ask, mate."

"I- uh..." I stumbled on my words, not fully knowing what to say. Or rather, I didn't know how to say it. The words all jumbled together in my head. Eventually words sorta went through the thin filter currently between my thoughts and my mouth, "I want Mudz to feel good too."

Murdoc's body shifted slightly, saying "Oh yeah? And how do you want to go about executing that one?"

I completely froze. I was overwhelmed with thoughts of what to do and how to approach this. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to happen. I felt anxiety build in my chest, though I know not why. It was just different than every other time. I couldn't explain what it was about it. Murdoc just felt different from everyone else.

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