Here In The Afterglow - fondleeds

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"If you hadn't noticed, I don't have many friends," Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.

Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis' stomach shake. "I'll be your friend."


1970's AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis' life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.

Things I liked

- ok we're gonna be honest i love the hidden love stories

- homophobia shouldn't be romanticized and whatsoever so maybe this hidden love is a bit sadder. i don't think i used the word romanticized correctly. listen. i never claimed to be an english major.

- but to be fair it does bother me a wee bit when they're like "oh by the way this story takes place in the 50s and there's no such thing as homophobia" bc im like no thats not true

- but this ones set in the 70s and doesn't do that. yipee?

- idk u can see the characters grow n stuff w the relationship and i fw that. overall round of applause.

- also i said it before and ill say it again. m not a fan of top harry. but if that's ur shit here's the place. 

- ok not that i'm not a fan it's the way the dynamics are that i dislike when harry is top i would like to clarify this bc i don't like when they go AH macho harry yk idk if this is saying something about my taste in men or women or smth who knows

- sorry most of this wasn't relevant my mind is going at like 200 miles a minute and im avoiding watching lectures

3 Chapters, 88,649 Words

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