Love Is A Rebellious Bird - 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews

843 5 4


AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.

Don't hum Bolero.

Things I liked

- isn't it so great when fics are in like a niche i have no clue about

- so much classical music talk but i like it

- phenomenal story. i'm not going to lie it's one of the stories where you know exactly what's going to happen but it was so so good

- ok now it's top harry and u know i must have really liked the story if i endured top harry for it

- made me feel a lot of things in a good way

12 Chapters, 134,891 Words

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