Dating james:

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Dating James would include:
-picnic dates
-lots of pda
-broom races
-he would always give you really thoughtful gifts, not for any particular reason just because he loves you
-he would always invite you to spend holidays with him family
-long walks in the woods/flower fields
-would literally treat you like royalty
-supportive of everything you do
-let's you in on secrets with the marauders
-when studying (whilst your distracted) he would slip little notes in your bag telling you how much he loves you
-brags about you to his family
-had photos of you in his dorm and bedroom at home
-as an anniversary present he would do something really special like carve your names on his quidditch broom
-when you first started dating he gave you a charm bracelet with a single charm on it (a pair of glasses, because they were sometimes his biggest insecurity but you always showed how much you loved them)
-from there on every Christmas he would gift you another charm, each relating to something special that happened that year

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