The Meet up

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Dimension: St4

Tails took a deep breath and pushed the button. The machine started whirling and sparking.

Tails: "Yes! It's working!"

Tails was jumping with joy.

Knuckles: "That's what you call working!?"

Knuckles had to shout because the machine was getting louder.

Tails: "Well... Yeah!"

Dimension 9aF

Chirp, chirp, chirp...

Phineas: "... Hm..."

Baljeet: "Do you think we put the batteries in wr-"

Before Baljeet could finished, their machine started to work and spark.

Phineas: "I think it's working!"

Ferb double check the blueprints and gave a thumbs up, mean, 'Yep, it's working.'

Isabella: "Should someone walk through to see if it's safe?"

Just then, a fox with a human-like posture and two tail's stepped out of the portal.

Tails: "... Um... Hi?"

Phineas: "Hi"

Tails walked up to Phineas.

Tails: "I'm Miles, but everyone calls me Tails."

Phineas: "Nice too meet ya Tails, I'm Phineas and this is my brother Ferb."

Ferb waved.

Phineas: "And this is Buford, Baljeet, and Isabella."

Buford: "Hey."

Baljeet: "Hello."

Isabella: "Hi."

Tails looked behind him.

Tails: ... *sight* "One sec."

He flew back to the portal and poked his head through the other side.

Tails: "Guys it's safe."

He grabbed Knuckles and pulled him through.

Knuckles: "No, no! Let me g- Ooooh.... This place looks nice... Yo Sonic, Amy, you two gotta see this!"

Sonic and Amy stepped out of the portal.

Amy: "Wow"

Tails looked back at Phineas.

Tails: "This is Knuckles, Amy, and Sonic."

Knuckles: "Yo"

Amy: "Hi"

Sonic: "Hey"

Dimension: St4

Eggman: "What took you to so long!?"

Orbot: "Sorry sir, but Metal Sonic wanted to come too."

Orbot and Cubot brought Crabmeats, Beebots, Motorbugs, and Metal Sonic.

Eggman: "Whatever, here's my plan..."

(Another cliffhanger! Bye bye)

Dimension Jumpers (a Sonic the Hedgehog and Phineas and Ferb crossover fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now