on the private discord

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//smut warning
twitter aassllldd (three L's)

Angie rubs my feet where they're draped across her lap, mindlessly watching the television in front of her. I roll my head back onto the arm of the couch and watch the ceiling, mind racing.

After a few seconds of silence and deep thought I mutter, "All of this is happening so fast."

Angie hums but doesn't take her eyes off the show she's watching. "But that's the fun of it, right?"

Looking up at her, she still appears to be unbothered and unattended. Angie's right, I do like the rush of things. I love to feel the buzz of adrenaline I get when I hear Dream's voice or see his name pop up as a notification on my phone. Seeing that my feet have suddenly tensed along with the rest of my body, Angie finally turns her attention to me.

"You've always loved the unknown, always have taken risks. Why is this any different?"

I hate how she's right. Two weeks from now, I'm supposed to drive up to Dream and Sapnap's house, where Quackity will be, then make our way along the coast to New York, where we'll meet George and Karl. Whenever I think about it, I get a lurch in my stomach and my whole body feels light and jittery. There's no real reason to be nervous, the boys have said multiple times how excited they are to meet me and how fun it'll be. They've accepted me more than once, even when I'd been doubtful, and have been nothing but nice to me.

"You're thinking too hard. It's about Dream, isn't it?" Angie tilts her head to the side with the question, her gaze piercing. My shoulders drop and I nod, leaning back and staring at the ceiling once again. "You like him, he likes you," she soothes me by rubbing my feet once more, "don't second guess it."

"I wish it was that easy," I whisper.

"It can be if you let it," Angie replies, "when you meet him things will be easier, I bet."

I don't respond, not knowing what to say because she's absolutely right. All my worries stem from the fear that he doesn't mean it, or that he'll get bored with me. There's also that thought in the back of my mind constantly trying to convince me that this is all a big prank just to mess with me. There are times I believe that.

My phone rings.

I glance up from the couch and stare at Angie like I'm waiting for approval.

She doesn't even bat an eye, keeping her gaze fixed on the TV. "Answer it."

After a tense sigh, I stand up, grab my phone and make my way into my room.


"Hi," I say, sitting myself on my bed in a criss-cross position. "What's up?"

"Quackity is going to do a JackBox stream, would you like to join? We need one more person and Skeppy isn't answering."

I glance over at my bedroom door that leads to the living room. I shouldn't, I have company over.

"Sure, I'll join," I answer, internally punching myself for not thinking straight, "just give me one sec."

"Take your time."

When we hang up, I jump out of bed, informing Angie of my plans.

"Can I watch?" Angie asks, reaching for the remote to pause the TV.

I smile. "I would love that." She squeals and skips over to my room, jumping on the bed face first. I laugh at her sprawled on the mattress, not moving, just giggling. I organize my setup and join the Discord call with Dream, Quackity, Sapnap, Wilbur, Bad, Tommy and Karl.

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