It's Begun

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"Did Midoriya really say stuff like that before?" Sero said in disbelief.

"Yes indeed." Nova said in a bubbly tone.

"Why are you so calm about that?!" Uraraka shouted.

"Midoriya used to be a very brash, rude, and snarky person." She said with a shrug.

Everyone was silent, trying to take that in. THE Izuku Midoriya, the lovable cinnamon roll wasn't always like that. It was pretty hard for them to wrap their heads around.

"Okay, do any of you remember a Hope Peaks Academy?" Nova asked.

"Isn't it that school that suddenly blew up but no one even knew it was there in the first place?" Momo inquired. "Also, wasn't a vast area around said school destroyed beyond repair yet no one had even noticed anything wrong until the building exploded?"

"That is correct Momo!" Nova said with a smile. "Actually, Izuku attended Hopes Peak the year it was destroyed."

"But, hows that possible?" Jiro asked.

"Well, there was a small part of Japan that had a force around it. Anyone inside that force lived free of quirks and knew nothing of their existence. Anyone outside the force basically couldn't go anywhere near it and couldn't see the functioning society right in front of their eyes."

Everyones eyes widened.

"They lived without quirks?" Tokoyami asked.

"Not only that, but without even knowing what quirks were and that they even existed?" Shoji said, still in shock.

"Yep!" Nova replied.

"Then how does problem child have a quirk now?" Aizawa asked

"Let's just say that there was an interesting event that lead to him receiving the quirk he has now. Him and his classmates were the last to leave aforementioned area. Everyone else, there families, friends who didn't make it to Hopes Peaks, and anyone else were gone by the time they could get out. They had either died or run away, into the rest of the world. Which you gotta think about what a shock that would've been." Nova explained further.

"What do you mean 'before they could get out'?" Hagakure asked.

"Simple. Hopes Peak wasn't what it lead everyone to believe. Once they got there the headmaster trapped them inside the building and forced them into something..." Nova trailed off, thinking about the best way to drop the killing game bomb on them.

"Something what extra? Spit it out!" Bakugo said with his usual malice.

"They headmaster forced them all into a killing game. He held the things they cared about against them and got them to kill each other until someone figured out who the mastermind was or a way to get out." Nova said with a sad expression.

"Wait, but a lot of them survived right? And Deku didn't die?" Todoroki said, a little shakily.

"Only three survived," Nova started. A lot of people started crying at that. It was a whole class of people, and only three survived. "There names were Shuichi Saihara, Maki Harukawa, and Himiko Yumeno."

At this a lot of people broke down. But a few people had questions for the strange girl.

"Wait, but then how is he alive now?" Kirishima asked.

"No one knows, one day when the three were trying to come up with a way to get across the wasteland everyone who had died woke up in there beds. They all remembered everything that happened up until they died. After that they all figured out how to get to the rest of the world and after that most went there own way. Izu was one of the people who set out by himself. He didn't really have anyone back at Hope Peak anyway." Nova concluded her story and decided to give the poor class a break before moving on.


(596 words)

MHA Reacts to Deku's Past as Kokichi OumaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora